Should I retake the SAT/ACT

<p>Hi, i was wondering if i should retake the SAT or ACT. I have a composite of 1960 on the SAT (690M 620CR 650W) and a 33 on the ACT (33M 35S 34W 31R). Will my SAT scores hurt me? Should i retake the SAT and hope for a better grade? or should i retake the ACT and go for the 36? Thanks!</p>

<p>Your ACT is much stronger. <a href=“”>;/a&gt; I would forget about the SAT and take the ACT again. Did you take the version with writing?</p>

<p>@"Erin’s Dad"‌ I did take the version with writing, but i only got an 8… I’m looking at some of the top schools and i’m worried about the SAT. Some of my friends have told me that sending only ACT scores is cheating and i’m wondering if schools will look down upon my application because i only send ACT?</p>

<p>Sending only the ACT is not cheating unless the school requires you to send all scores. Not all families can pay for multiple tests. You will not be penalized for only sending the ACT.</p>