<p>Okay.. so I posted this in another thread but I thought I would make my own so more people would see it. </p>
<p>I got a 30gb video ipod a few months ago because I wanted to watch Lost on it. Now I'm looking back and I'm like... what was I thinking? I could've just watched it online for FREE (which I found out AFTER I bought it) and I could've just waited until it came out on DVD. I rarely listen to music on it. When I listen to music, I'm usually on the computer. The only time I really use my ipod is on the plane (a few times a year) and when I'm on the bus. </p>
<p>On eBay, used, 30gb video ipods are going for around $250. A lot of people are bidding on them, so I'm sure I could sell it in no time.</p>
<p>$250 is a lot of money for a seventh grader. I could buy a lot of nice school clothes. lol. I'm not even sure if she'd let me keep the money. lol. </p>
<p>Any suggestions would be appreciated!</p>