Senior year course selections are approaching and I’m debating on whether to take AP Literature or not.
I’ve taken honors english ninth and tenth grade and am taking ap language now. I had a B+ in ninth grade english. B in tenth grade. And now I have a high C probably low B later on in my dreaded eleventh grade english class.
Should I continue and take this class or should I drop to advanced English which is above regular/standard but below AP/honors?
If you didn’t get an A in Honors English 10, probably not. Most people consider HE10 a joke, and them Honors English 11 (not AP at my school
) what is spells out, HE11. You should expect a great deal of reading and challenging content. If you found 9+10 challenging (9 should be) and find regular 11 hard, don’t take Ap Lit and mess up your GPA. In my opinion, taking a class for college credit is not worth it unless you are positive you can get an A or B.
@Transcendency I’m currently taking AP Lit and it requires a lot on time commitment. It’s not an impossible class, but I have done a ton of reading and writing since the school year began. Books are pretty high level and essays are graded from AP standards so the scoring is strict. Although Taking it would surely be a challenge, it’s not a class that will destroy a grade if you work at it. A few students in my current class were in the same situation as you and took this class to acquire better skills in writing and reading. Obviously, every school and teacher is different so talk to some kids who are currently in the course at your HS to see what it’s like. Then talk to your parents and GC and ask for more advice. They are probably better resources than ignorant CC members in this case 
If AP Lang is as exhausting as I feel it, I can only imagine the rigorous torture of AP Lit…I’ll talk it over with my guidance counselor.
That sounds like a good plan 
As far as choosing courses for senior year, don’t make your life hell. Take classes you’ll enjoy and won’t be stressed out by. If taking AP Lit is going to add too much stress to a senior year that you should be able to enjoy, don’t take it.
I got a B+ in English 10 Honors, A in English 11 Honors, and am currently in AP Lit.
It’s REALLY hard, I barely, barely pulled a B- first semester. And by barely, I mean by a single point.
Considering how you are doing now, I would avoid AP Lit.
Just take regular and mack them baddies