Liberal Arts and Math 151


<p>I'm an incoming liberal arts major wanting to take calculus.</p>

<p>So instead of taking the math placement test for Math 131/141/142/166 bound students, I took the test for Math 147/151/171 bound students. </p>

<p>When I'm done, it said I was eligible to take Calculus Math 151.</p>

<p>Do you think that would allow me to take calculus or should I have taken the other test? When I clicked the link for the other test, it allowed me to take it.</p>


<p>By the way, the instructions said to click the link next to your major and I clicked on the other one...</p>

<p>Update: Well I just took the other test and I passed, just in case.</p>

<p>Math is brutal at A&M. Since you are a liberal arts major, I would take the easiest math classes that will satisfy your major or even take them over the summer at a junior college for transfer credit. If you’re really good at math, though, go for it in calculus!</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m premed so calculus is one of the requirements…
I’m thinking of taking Math 147.</p>

<p>Is this the only math you will have to take? Or is it a building block for another math?</p>