Should I take the ACT one more time?

<p>Hey everyone! I recently scored a 33 Composite on my ACT (35/35/32/30) and was wondering if I should take another ACT at the end of the school year or not.</p>

<p>I've just started junior year, so I have a lot of time to think about all of this. I plan on applying to USC, UCSD, UCLA, and the UOP 5/6 year dental programs if that contributes. I'm mainly concerned whether or not a 33 would be sufficient. From my personal knowledge, a 33 is fine, but I would like CC's opinion.</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>33 is an excellent score. However, if you think you can perform better/aren’t happy with your score, why not? You certainly have the time.</p>

<p>Only retake the ACT as a last resort. I personally think your score is high enough for you not to retake it again, if you choose.</p>

<p>That composite is above the 75%ile for both UCLA and USC. Only take it again if you want to get into even more selective schools.</p>

<p>Thank you very much.
Which schools in CA would require a higher score?</p>

<p>^^Stanford, where higher is always better.</p>

<p>USC loves high test scores and might offer you some money for a 34…</p>

<p>Is that so? I guess I’ll be looking up USC Scholarships then…unless you already have some information on a link?</p>