Should I transfer junior year?

<h2>You may already know that I am looking at switching out of my school to a private school next year, junior year. I don't know what to do though, so I've listed a few things about each...any advice is appreciated, seeing I must apply soon!</h2>

<p>Public School "W":
3,000 kids
Many classes to choose from. Electives.
Not doing well with grades though.
Block Schedule (You get classes for only one semester)
Classes are 90 minutes long.
2.3 freshmen year. Not sure how sophmore year is going...
Can't seem to find my "niche". No EC's so far (at school.)
Internships available junior and senior year.
A few "close" friends.</p>

<h2>Classes are mixed with kids who don't want to be there. (Discipline problems)</h2>

<p>Private School "B":
At the very most 800 kids.
Classes are year long
Classes are 40 minutes long
Not that many electives to choose from.
Can't do an internship
Well behaved
Supposedly all kids are rich and snobby.
Not sure I'll fit in too well.
It's JUNIOR year. Prom, and last year to get grades on a transcrip. (My freshmen and sophmore year aren't looking all that great. Not sure about S year though.)
Not sure teachers are willing to stay and help you out after/before school.</p>

<h2>Easier to join clubs/sports because of smaller numbers. </h2>

<p>What do you guys think. I'm looking at:
Clemson, Boston U., College of Charleston, USC Columbia, and Winthrop, for now.</p>

<p>bump bump...please help me out!</p>

<p>I could really use some advice!</p>

<p>i'd switch, but that's just me. a few thoughts:
-first off, are you sure you can get into the private school with a 2.3 gpa and no ECs?
-"supposedly all kids are rich and snobby" supposedly being the key word.. if you're getting this information from public school kids, i wouldn't listen. many people think private schools (including my own) are a certain way but that's only because people havent experienced one for themselves. there might be a few snobby people but for the most part i doubt that. they arent ALL snobby.
-lastly...about the teachers. it's been my experience that teachers from private schools are more than happy to help after school or during a free period.. usually even moreso than public school teachers</p>

<p>Thanks soo much!! They said they don't look completly at your grades. More so your test scores and such. But...I'm sure my grades will be looked at...which is why 2nd quarter this year is very important. </p>

<p>It's a catholic school though...and I'm catholic.</p>

<p>Bump bump! Please help me out!</p>

<p>You seem to be pulling all the bad out of both sides, which is fine to an extent. I know this will sound cliche but go with your gut, don't just pick it apart.</p>