Show of hands for who is attending Capstone Scholars Day

<p>My son and husband have just left Virginia for Capstone Scholars day. I was wondering who else may be attending and where you all are from? We are from the Richmond Virginia area. I am sure everyone will have a good time.</p>

<p>^^^^^^Best wishes for an uncomplicated ride to Bama now that the weather has cleared up. I hope that it will not be too cold.</p>

<p>I remember last years’ Capstone Scholars Day fondly. It was the warm friendly atmosphere, engaging speakers and fantastic campus that turned the “tide” for my son.</p>

<p>I would think that tomorrow will be a most interesting day for your son and husband. Tell them to expect warm hellos and “Roll Tides” wherever they go. A highlight might be getting a t-shirt from the Supe store to wear when your son returns back to high school.</p>

<p>Ha Ha rblmom “turned the tide”
When S took the tour they not only gave him a nice tshirt, but took pains to put the right size in the bag.</p>

<p>DD and DH arrived today from the Philly area. He tried to take along his fanny pack and she freaked! I had to explain his role is to provide limo service, hold the handouts and attempt to not be embarrassing. We’ll see.</p>



<p>Ah, yes. Been there, done that. Mission Impossible. :)</p>

<p>I hope all of you find UA to your liking and have a great time in Tuscaloosa this weekend.</p>

<p>Juniebug, </p>

<p>What part of the Philly area are you from? That is where I am from before I moved to Virginia.
My guys are looking forward to the day. My son would be delighted if they gave him a t-shirt. Eveyone enjoy and I’ll report back next week.</p>

<p>We’re here!
Right now eating at Dreamland BBQ.</p>


<p>We’ve just arrive in T-Town. My son and I will be there tomorrow. RTR</p>

<p>Even though I’m already a student here, I will technically be there. I’ll be helping ASME with our part in CSD. So if anyone stops by Hardaway (an engineering building fyi), you might see me :slight_smile: I hope you all have a wonderful time here, UA really is a wonderful town and university. ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>MG_24, My family will probably be paying you a visit. My son is interested in aerospace engineering. He is not shy so I’m sure he will talk to whoever he meets. He is really looking forward to this visit.</p>

<p>Hokiefan, you must be my opposite twin!! I’m from Virginia (Norfolk and NoVa) and now living in the Fort Washington area. My DD is only looking seriously at southern schools. I have taught her well!</p>

<p>Yesterday, I spent the day with my SIL and nephew as they toured the campus. :)</p>

<p>I dropped them off this morning at CSDay…there were a bunch of people milling about the Bryant Conference Center. Should be over 1000 people there.</p>


<p>I lived in Horsham before I moved to Virginia but I grew up in Northeast Philly. I love Virginia and I would never move back north. As far as I’m concerned, this is as north as I’m going. As I get older, the cold weather gets to me and I don’t even want to go out. I’ve been here 15 years. The only southern school my son looked at was Bama. His other choices are midwestern schools and VT. We did visit Bama during spring break and loved it. Good luck to your family.</p>

<p>My husband did text me and said there are over 800 students. Wow.</p>

<p>Hokiefan, my DH is from the Burholme area and went to Northeast HS. He actually works in Horsham. Alabama is sooo far away, though. We will just have to move with her. They rode around the campus last night, and DD is in love again. I’m trying not to get too invested in any of this until she makes a final decision. We were there at spring break last year, too. Our kids should meet up!</p>

What were your nephews first impressions?</p>

<p>m2ck, were you on the dorm tour yesterday at 11 - I think your nephew got a text from USC while he was in the Honors office? I should have asked (since your posts here are the main reason Bama is on our radar after ds made NMSF), but didn’t want to look like a creeper. This is now #1 on his recently pruned list of two! Had to finally register this morning after a year of lurking, and say thank you.</p>


<p>Welcome to the group. You are not the only one that has been the recipient of mom’s good work. Most of us on here would never have come this far without her help. A big shout out to M2k for all your help and guidance.</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>


<p>I am from an area called Mayfair and went to St. Hubert’s. What a small world.</p>

<p>My DD and DW are there. Flew from Portland to Birmingham via Chicago on Thursday and will return tomorrow Glad the weather has become more “seasonal!” First visit to state and UA.</p>

<p>To all those that have joined us here “Welcome”. </p>

<p>I hope that today marks the start of a great new adventure for all your students. </p>

<p>Are any of your sons/daughters applying for CBH?</p>