sick of seeing support our troops ribbons

<p>guys always have the better pants in the mall, unfair
i miss when wide leg jeans were popular, all that jnco stuff
good times</p>

It's funny that you think I was stereotyping all men to be macho, but really, I was just using YOUR description.</p>

<p>According to you: "In my opinion, I think by man we should refer to the sexual epitome of a man, buff, tall, six pack, doesn't take crap from anyone, alpha male type of person. " If this isn't macho, I don't know what is.</p>

<p>You seem to think that it is okay for you to stereotype, but not for me. You believe that any female who wants just a bit of respect and civility must be a man-hungry feminist, which I am not.</p>

<p>And believe it or not, I was being sarcastic.........


<p>I was using it an example of what a MANLY MAN is, and I was saying it to show that this should be the definition of that, not a man who stands by his convictions. I wasn't saying that all men should be that, I was discerning what a MANLY MAN should be. Learn to read.</p>

<p>By the way, thanks for telling me what I think! Can you tell me what to see as well? What to eat? Maybe put some words in my mouth? Thanks mom.

I'll say it outright-- I am a feminist. That doesn't mean I'm a freak who burns bras and doesn't shave, it means that I believe in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Quite frankly, you should too. You can have your own opinions on the war and even if I don't agree, I will respect your views. But if I see the fallacious conception that women are inferior to men, I'm going tell you, YOU ARE WRONG. But I guess there's no point, I guess a man will always considered to be better than a woman.


<p>And I'm the one who is stereotyping? You are the one saying what men are, what they think of women, and what I think! Look at yourself first, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS STEREOTYPING THAT ALL MEN THINK THEY ARE SUPERIOR. You are the one who started this whole moronic debate. Nice job there. Unlike you, I haven't stereotyped a single time as of yet (unless where I SHOWED THAT I WAS JOKING), and if you refer to the MANLY MAN example, I was telling everyone what I think the STEREOTYPE should be like. By the way, unless "feminist" is a word meaning "I am a moron who can't read, but argue for no reason and **** everyone off", then yes, you are a feminist. Get back to me when you are able to pull that shoe out of your mouth, since its lodged pretty deep down there.</p>

<p>If anything, you are verbally defecating on and destroying the women's rights movement, since you ****ed everyone off so much, everyone hates your beliefs for the sole reason of your arrogance.</p>

<p>I can read fine, thanks. And you keep referring to this quote: </p>

<p>"I'll say it outright-- I am a feminist. That doesn't mean I'm a freak who burns bras and doesn't shave, it means that I believe in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Quite frankly, you should too. You can have your own opinions on the war and even if I don't agree, I will respect your views. But if I see the fallacious conception that women are inferior to men, I'm going tell you, YOU ARE WRONG. But I guess there's no point, I guess a man will always considered to be better than a woman. " </p>

<p>Are you under the impression that I said this, because you can go back through this thread, and see that a thing like this never came out of my mouth. Maybe you should learn to read, or get your information correctly. When you find who really posted this remark, then we can talk. </p>

<p>I'll get that shoe out of my mouth when you get the stick out of your a**.</p>

<p>LOL, I thought YOU said that quote. Dammit, where did it come from. Well, I'm sorry then. THat quote really ****ed me off, and I thought it was you. Lol.</p>

<p>I was wondering why you kept referring to me when posting that quote. No problem</p>

<p>If my soldiers were to begin to think, not one of them would remain in the army.<br>
– Frederick the Great</p>

<p>"If my soldiers were to begin to think, not one of them would remain in the army.
– Frederick the Great"</p>

<p>A sane leader is a rare thing.</p>

<p>Going back to the original post, this thread is really sad and if there was a draft, maybe a few opinions would be changed. Let someone you know come home in a body bag and remove this from mental gymnastics and I'm quite sure opinions will really change.</p>