sick of seeing support our troops ribbons

<p>WHy cant you just be civil. Its liberating to be a jerk. Fine, to each his own. I am not saying that you have to care what others think. I am just expressing that I would appreciate it if you would be a little nicer.</p>

<p>Don't be such a baby, if seeing somebody act like a jerk online ruins your day... I like to see people get worked up online because it's entertaining, all in good fun. Lighten up a little, you really shouldn't care what some guy who you'll never meet thinks.</p>

<p>you guys are alright! Now we should lock this thread</p>

<p>It doesnt ruin my dad, meateater. I just dont think its necessary, and I do not appreciate it. Just because you are an online stranger, why do you have to act like an *******. Do you act that way at St. Paul's?</p>

<p>I think what bothers the females on this board is the fact that we know that there are biological differences betewen men and women, but some of the remarks here suggest that a woman's only duty is to rear children and bake Martha Stewart pies all day long.</p>

<p>Yes, we know men (not all of them, of course) are beer-guzzling, macho machines who can lift more weight than women, but please, just have a bit more respect for the opposite sex. Although I understand the all-in-good-fun jokes, I can't say the "I'm a chauvinist pig and I like it" attitude is very attractive.</p>

<p>Ah perhaps you didn't read my post. I enjoy doing it online on message boards because it's entertaining. Clearly I was purposely pushing buttons. Usually when people respond negatively on message boards, like you are doing right now, it only serves to encourage me. But, alas, my parents are back from ACK and I must go to bed. Enjoy your night and take things less seriously.</p>

<p>I suggest chatrooms. Offensive comments get much more direct results.</p>

Grow up. A man is someone who has the courage to stand by their beliefs and convictions, and who has the ability to respect others and think for themselves. A man is not someone who accuses others of being gay because they do not want to fight in a war they believe is unjust, or someone who attacks others for forming their own intelligent thoughts.


<p>For some reason I see your image of a "man" as one who cries during soap operas. People say, "Ooh, he's so manly, he's not afraid to show his emotions", and "ooh, he's so sensitive". I don't really agree for some reason. In my opinion, I think by man we should refer to the sexual epitome of a man, buff, tall, six pack, doesn't take crap from anyone, alpha male type of person. I think that "your" man is one of those "progressive" ideas, like, men should be babysitters, and other crap like that. Baah, sorry if I'm not making any sense. Forget about me.</p>

I think what bothers the females on this board is the fact that we know that there are biological differences betewen men and women, but some of the remarks here suggest that a woman's only duty is to rear children and bake Martha Stewart pies all day long.</p>

<p>Yes, we know men (not all of them, of course) are beer-guzzling, macho machines who can lift more weight than women, but please, just have a bit more respect for the opposite sex. Although I understand the all-in-good-fun jokes, I can't say the "I'm a chauvinist pig and I like it" attitude is very attractive.


<p>Back to the kitchen, wife, bring me my steak and beer, and take care of the young'uns. Lol, jk, don't hurt me.</p>

<p>You are not making any sense. And I will gladly forget about you. That description of a man sounds accurate. How did you infer from that that a man should cry during soap operas. They said a man stands behind their convictions and forms their own intelligent thoughts. Sounds about right to me.</p>

Sorry if it annoys you that I take so much offense at an "innocent" joke. I'll say it outright-- I am a feminist. That doesn't mean I'm a freak who burns bras and doesn't shave, it means that I believe in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Quite frankly, you should too. You can have your own opinions on the war and even if I don't agree, I will respect your views. But if I see the fallacious conception that women are inferior to men, I'm going tell you, YOU ARE WRONG. But I guess there's no point, I guess a man will always considered to be better than a woman.


<p>SOrry if it annoys you, I'll say it outright, I think you're wrong. We've gone past equality for the sexes, to the point that women are sometimes more favored then men. Stop denying social and biological roles, not every human being is the same. You are incredibly deluded with your "man considered better than a woman" quote. They are considered different and have different social niches. I'm sure that millenia of human interaction will agree with me. No one sees women inferior to men, stop living in a dream world. You are as bad as the Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's in this world in which you "say" you fight against prejudice and stereotypes, yet you create them about the people you are talking about (in this case - men and their views of women_.</p>

<p>Actually, I don't think anyone should cry at soap operas, since they're so unbelievably dramatic anyway. </p>

<p>I really don't see where you got this mental image from, but I certainly don't want a man to be what you described. I've seen those kinds of guys walking around at my school; the kind afraid to move their arms because they are afraid their muscles will shatter, lol. </p>

<p>I believe my description of a man is pretty accurate; in no way does it imply I want some guy who carries a man purse or sits down to watch soap operas with me, but take from it what you will.</p>

<p>I'm glad you think I can "hurt you" though. ;) Progress, perhaps?</p>

<p>I like Daturtle.</p>

<p>meateater, is this another of your famed attempts at "button-pushing"?</p>

<p>Lock, Lock, For The Love Of God Lock This Thread!</p>

<p>Is it just me, or have there been more threads with people insulting each other than usual?</p>

<p>IMO spewing rhetoric is more "button pushing" than showing your adoration for someone


meateater, is this another of your famed attempts at "button-pushing"?



I'm glad you think I can "hurt you" though. Progress, perhaps?


When did I say you could hurt me?</p>

<p>"Back to the kitchen, wife, bring me my steak and beer, and take care of the young'uns. Lol, jk, don't hurt me."</p>

<p>I didn't mean physically hurt you, DaTurtle. Clearly, though, you can't take a joke. Terribly sorry I threatened your manliness; silly me, I forget how macho you are. </p>

<p>And "adoration"?</p>

<p>Someone thinks a little highly of themselves.......</p>

<p>I didn't know what word to use. Haha yeah adoration doesn't really work =/, but you got what I meant. Nice use of the stereotypes by the way, since all men are macho? Is that what feminists are? Man haters, because according to what you are saying, thats what it sounds like, unless you said it sarcastically which is hard to catch on an internet forum. For some reason, I believe that wasn't sarcasm though.</p>

<p>It's funny that you think I was stereotyping all men to be macho, but really, I was just using YOUR description. </p>

<p>According to you: "In my opinion, I think by man we should refer to the sexual epitome of a man, buff, tall, six pack, doesn't take crap from anyone, alpha male type of person. " If this isn't macho, I don't know what is. </p>

<p>You seem to think that it is okay for you to stereotype, but not for me. You believe that any female who wants just a bit of respect and civility must be a man-hungry feminist, which I am not. </p>

<p>And believe it or not, I was being sarcastic.........</p>