Singer and UM Honors Program Medicine HPME HELP/ADVICE!

<p>Hi everybody, my ultimate goal is to get into UM with a full scholarship along with admission to its HPME Honors Program. I am currently a high school sophomore. I am at a 3.8 unweighted with a 4.6 weighted. As far as EC's go I am an aid for Social Study Honors Society, Vice President of Jewish Student Union, and the President of Mu Alpha Theta. I will be trying out for a sports team in my school later on.</p>

<p>From anybody who has gotten the Singer Scholarship or a high end scholarship for UM, could you please tell me what exactly will I need to do to receive them (SAT score, SAT2? rank, unweighted gpa, weighted, certain classes, APs)? I want to get a 1500/1600 on the SAT and am currently at 650 for each section. What books should I use to get me up to my goal and are the online self-paced kaplan ($300) or the Princeton Review ($200) Sat prep courses worth it? I was thinking of applying EA, is that a good choice?</p>

<p>Finally, for anybody who got into the HPME program when they were a a senior in high school, could you please give some advice or guidelines I should follow? What EC's are UM looking for and what other things specifically.
Thank You So Much</p>

<p>GPA, SAT’'s and rank.</p>

<p>You may want to try and take the ACT’s. </p>

<p>You will likely get merit aid of some sort.</p>

<p>So if I keep up a 3.8+ unweighted, reach a 1500 (math and verbal) score on the SAT, and be within top 1 %, I have good odds into getting into the program?</p>

<p>anybody? can someone also tell me what that foote fellow thing is?</p>

<p>Bump to the top</p>

<p>Foote Fellows are exempt from the general education requirements so it makes it easier for them to take classes that interests them.</p>

<p>I would also recommend taking the ACT in addition to the SAT. You want high enough stats to be invited to the Stamps/Singer weekends. For the interview, it seems questions were all over the place (depended upon the interviewer). DS discussed his intended major and then the interviewer asked about his sport (which the interviewer also participated in).</p>

<p>This might not be what you want to hear… but there is a rumor that the HPME only accepts 4.0s. I got an interview with a 3.99, but I could tell by the way my interviewer spoke that everyone is supposed to have a 4.0. He said, “oh, well of course you have perfect grades.” (They have your application right in front of them.) So I just awkwardly laughed and went along with it, but eventually I said how I had one B (in my response to a question) and he goes, “wait, what?” and confusedly flipped to the front of my application to look at my grades. Sooo yeah. I’m quite sure the only reason I got an interview was because my essays were pretty awesome (awkward bragging), but I definitely think I was just an anomaly of sorts. I also don’t think I will be getting into the program, but I can let you know in about 2 weeks if you’d like an update haha.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info! Is there anything I should do SPECIFICALLY to getting into foote fellow so I can start early (sophomore in HS currently) besides the traditional goals listed above? Thanks for the tip! I’ll plan to take the ACT as well after I reach my SAT goal. Could you say questions that they ask in the interview so I get a general idea? By the way, what does DS mean?</p>

<p>First off, I hope you do well and become accepted! That can’t be true @nishanik15 :o That doesn’t seem fair. The website says you just need above a 3.75 to qualify so you should be fine hopefully. A 3.99 sounds insane! I wish I could have that. What other scores did you have that got you the interview? And sure! thanks for offering the information haha. Do you mind sending me a pm or telling me your email so I can contact you for further advice? I would really appreciate the help.</p>