Stamps and singer

<p>Stamps and Singer Weekend invitations have been emailed! (The actual letter will arrive next week!) Wishing []_[] good luck! :)</p>

<p>Wahoo…can’t wait to hear from folks as they are received!</p>

<p>Received a Singer invitation today! :)</p>

<p>Great! Congrats! Which weekend?</p>

<p>March 23rd-24th. Is there any difference in the weekends?</p>

<p>And thank you!</p>

<p>Well, the March 2-3 is for Singer & Stamps together, March 23-24 is Singer only.</p>

<p>RoKr93, March 2/3 is for both Stamps and Singer while the 23/24 weekend is solely Singer.</p>

<p>Ah, gotcha. Well, can’t have it all I suppose. ;)</p>

<p>D won’t be home until late tonight (and doesn’t have a CC account) but she did just check email on her iphone and was THRILLED to receive her Stamps/Singer Scholarship weekend invite!!! We are just overwhelmed right now about this honor!</p>

<p>We have all been on pins and needles here in anticipation of today for so long and I am so very grateful to all the CCers who have been so incredibly helpful and patient with all our questions over the last few months :slight_smile: So many of you have devoted your time on this forum to answering our questions and helping guide us through this process, and it is so very much appreciated. We could not have done it without you!</p>

<p>Zinc, Dumbo11, comeonapril1, DinDune, malaml, rankinr, VHfather, racquetdad, 1tcm, SVMMom, and Marinebio444, (if I missed a name, please forgive the oversight, my mind is still trying to process the situation!) I just can’t thank all of you enough for the generous helpings of advice, information and support you’ve provided both on this board and through PMs, and I sincerely hope we all get a chance to meet in person down at the U :)</p>

<p>Congratulations IllinoisMom (and daughter)! I had a feeling she would get a Stamps invite with her stats and everything else. I’m very excited for you!</p>

<p>From the stats thread, it looks like quite a few people got the $20,000 scholarship and Singer/Stamps invites. That might be new this year (or maybe last year those people just didn’t post on CC). Or maybe my memory is fading, lol. Exciting day for a lot of folks.</p>

<p>ILMom, I’m SOOOO happy for L and for you! J got in but only $16k and no singer/stamps invite. Not sure we’ll go down to make the visit, but we should still get the girls together.</p>

<p>Echo your thanks to the many helpful people on this thread, I mostly read (vs posting) but appreciate the time put in by ALL who help out on CC.</p>

<p>Another thanks to all who posted and informed/entertained the past two months. Zinc, a special thanks. You chanced D in December and got her through finals week. (Here’s how good you are -you wrote 24K & Singer, she got 24K and Singer/Stamps.)</p>

<p>I have a question. I was invited to the Stamps/Singer weekend March 2-3. Do they pay for your travel arrangements and hotel? Or do we have to pay for all that. I’m not complaining if we do, I’m just wondering.</p>

<p>You’re responsible for your own travel and hotel.</p>

Does anyone know what the dress code is for Singer/Stamps weekend? Haha I’m such a girl…</p>

<p>The dress code should be mentioned somewhere in the Stamps/Singer weekend info. Last year my S wore a polo shirt and nice pants. No formal attire needed.</p>

<p>dumbo11 - Thanks so much for the well wishes and again for all your help! H is frantically trying to find reasonable flights today; after the big news arrived in D’s email account, he immediately decided that he wants to accompany us to the U and flights have bumped up quite a bit - so he has his work cut out for him finding seats for all three of us that work with our budget. D came home late last night and left at the crack of dawn for an all day science competition (no phones allowed) so we haven’t talked to her at all since she received the invite via email, I hope to get a chance to celebrate the exciting news with her soon : ) </p>

<p>sujormik - I am so disappointed that you and J won’t be joining us for scholarship weekend : ( I had my fingers and toes crossed for both girls and was so hopeful that we would be down there at the same time touring the U and checking out the local cuisine together on Saturday night… Even without the chance for the Singer, J’s fantastic stats and devotion to community service have won her great scholarships at so many wonderful schools, including Miami, is she getting any closer to narrowing her choices down yet? And did you make it up to Minnesota yet for that Red Carpet Liberal Arts event (not sure when that was scheduled for, and sure wish the bio college had one!) I really wanted to hear your take on the other UofM since I’m pretty sure L is going to one or the other.</p>

<p>And a huge CONGRATULATIONS to all of the Stamps/Singer invitees and families (as well as all the other admitted students many of whom won other scholarships)! We so look forward to meeting lots of you at the events held over scholarship weekend : ) Now I’ve got to go check and see if any of last summer’s shorts will still zip up over that layer of protection from the frosty air that my body adds during the winters here in Chicagoland…</p>

<p>^KeyWest58 - glad I could help - sometimes my guesses are better than others!
^danders617 - UM springs for dinner Friday and lunch on Sat, plus some local transportation if you stay at one of the “shuttle” hotels.
^IllinoisMom93 - glad to help - but I knew your D would get attending the S/S weekend!</p>

<p>Congratulations Illinoismom!! Now the fun has just begun. I feel your pain with the flights - I’m trying to book some now for over HS spring break (end of Mar), and it’s tough. The cheapest flights I see are Spirit Airlines into FLL. Try their website, if you haven’t already. </p>

<p>I would tell you that my son was a little underwhelmed with the Singer/Stamps activities, especially compared to other schools scholarship weekends. However, you still ended up at the U, and hasn’t regretted it for a second. </p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>