Singer/Stamps 2013

<p>Any chance for invite for someone who got a 20k scholarship?</p>

<p>oohtobeagooner - it’s my understanding that you do not need to apply separately for the Singer/Stamps - they invite students based on their application. And yes - the presidential scholarship is merit aid.</p>

<p>I’m surprised - it appears noone has received an invitation yet - I thought emails came out before decisions were released on myUM last year… Keeping our fingers crossed :)</p>

<p>Just got in from clearing the 10" of snow from the drive, walk and dog runs…will write some tidbits on S/S when I’ve warmed up a bit. However, you can search prior years Singer threads for most of what I’d say…</p>

<p>Did anyone hear about the Singer/Stamp Scholarships yet? Could I potentially still be invited? I was offered $22,000 Presidential Scholarship.</p>

<p>We’re really wondering too :stuck_out_tongue: D applied to HPME program - and did not receive an interview - but was told she would be invited to interview for S/S scholarship. Was accepted yesterday with 24K President’s Scholarship. Now we’re wondering - because of all the larger scholarships given… </p>

<p>ZincWhiskers - can you come do my driveway next please? :slight_smile: Another reason we’re hoping for a S/S invite - a chance to get away from the snow/cold for a weekend!!!</p>



<p>It’s not additional merit aid. Singer covers tuition and Stamps covers the full cost of attendance. You don’t apply, there are no published criteria, you are notified separately.</p>

<p>For act score, does miami superscore or is it best single sitting score?</p>

<p>Miami superscores</p>

<p>Even when they are considering singer/stamps?</p>

<p>Wow…such a different year than the past 2 with the scholarships. In trying to keep up with the various threads over the past 2 days, I have seen nearly every amount from 11k to 29k - with all being called the “President’s Scholarship”. Apart from those, have seen a few 6k (not sure what those were called). I guess they have done away with the “traditional” names of the past (University, Dickinson, Deans, Trustee, Collegiate).</p>

<p>I must say it is about time UM increased the top award - there was a time when they called the 24k University scholarship the 3/4’s award, because it covered three fourths of the then 32k annual tuition. With tuition (and fees) over 40k now, they really needed to restructure their awards and it appears that is exactly what they did.</p>

<p>Regarding some of the questions above:
@cosurf113: I think your class rank did you in here
@beccarosen: I think with a 22k award, you have a good chance for an S/S invite (more below on that)
@MiniSota: Also think your D will likely get an S/S invite with a 24k and I’d love to take care of your driveway - book me some flights from Syracuse and we’ll set it up!
@warren1717: In the past, students who received the highest merit scholarships were invited to compete for the Singer/Stamps awards - your superscored ACT helped get you the merit scholarship - your “rank” in that group will (or will not) get you into an S/S weekend.</p>

<p>Singer/Stamps weekend invitations have traditionally gone out to students who received the highest merit scholarships. The weekends for the class of 2015 consisted only of students who had received the 24k University scholarship. The weekends for the class of 2016 consisted of students who had received either the 24k scholarship and also some of those who received the 20k Dickinson scholarship.</p>

<p>As SeekingUni mentioned, the Singer award covers all of your tuition/fees for all 4 years of undergraduate study. The Stamps award covers everything for all 4 years (tuition, fees, room, board, books) and also includes a small stipend for research work.</p>

<p>The Singer and Stamps awards are NOT easy to obtain. My numbers are rough, but I believe they invite about 150 students to each of the 3 weekends. Weekend number 1 is for both the Singer and Stamps competitions, typically meaning that this group has the highest performing students. Of those 150, we were told about 30% are offered Singer awards. And of those ~45 students, roughly 5 are chosen to participate in interviews with Mr. Stamps, who then makes the final decision about the 3 students who will receive his very generous award. </p>

<p>Weekends number 1 and 2 have usually been for ED and EA applicants, with weekend number 3 being for RD applicants. You can read a lot about what the weekends are like in other threads (search for IlliniosMom93 posts from last Spring - she wrote a boatload of great information, including a running detail of nearly every facet of the weekend’s events).</p>

<p>It has been popular opinion that the interview portion of the weekend is the most important in determining who is offered the Singer scholarship. Each student will meet with a professor and a student for maybe 30-45 minutes. Again, there is much more discussion of this whole process on other threads here in the Miami area of CC. </p>

<p>I’ve rambled on long enough here. If anyone has additional questions that I can help with, please post here or PM me.

<p>Thank you @ZincWhiskers!! Does anyone know if they have notified people who will be invited to the S/S weekends yet? When will they notify nominees? Just want to know because I haven’t received an invitation, so should I give up hope :confused: ?</p>

<p>I’m sure you’ll see folks post here when they receive the invitations. I seem to recall that last year the students received a separate email directly from Dr. Green. Those will probably go out tomorrow or Tuesday - just a guess…</p>

<p>Just received package in Mail from Miami, 22K scholarship but no mention of Singer? Did anyone get invite? yet?</p>

<p>nothing… I guess tonight is the night. They probably waited the weekend to ensure all applicants received their decision letters in the mail (for those that cannot check online). Just a guess.</p>

<p>I just spoke to someone in admissions about the Scholarship Weekend invites (S/S). She said emails would be going out today for invitations and letters in the mail tomorrow.</p>

<p>Just checked my mail and got a letter saying that i’m invited to be interviewed for the singer AND stamps scholarship!</p>

<p>Congrats tturner519 !
What are your stats. Did you also get a Presidential Sch. award?</p>

<p>yea i got the presidential award for 25k…</p>

<p>and stats:
ACT: 34
GPA : really high (dont know it off the top of my head)
Rank: 7/1050 (that probably did it)
Extracurric: a lot of religious things, missionary trips, youth groups, miracle league</p>

<p>I just received my invitation in the mail for Singer/Stamps. I had a 33 ACT (34 superscored) and I got the $24,000.</p>

<p>D just received an email invitation for the S/S Scholarship weekend - yay! </p>

<p>There’s a link for the RSVP (which is active), but said we could RSVP beginning Feb 6. Did your letters say this also?</p>