Singer/Stamps 2013

<p>My Son just received his email letter for Singer weekend invitation March 22-23rd. His letter also has a link with Feb. 6th date</p>

<p>See you all there.</p>

<p>FYI - do the RSVP thing as soon as you can - one of the past 2 years there were limited spaces and it was first come, first served…I remember reading a post from someone who waited a few days and the RSVP link was no longer active - something like the spots were all taken…that would be an awful feeling to be invited and then not go because you didn’t reply quickly enough to the RSVP…</p>

<p>Hi I’m just wondering why I haven’t received my S/S letter yet :frowning: I received a 21K scholarship with my acceptance and I was really hoping for an invitation.
Here are my stats:
GPA 3.9 UW
Composite: 34
English: 32
Reading: 33
Math: 35
Science: 36</p>

<p>My school doesn’t rank, however I would be in the top 10% i’m sure. Am I really not going to receive an invite??</p>

<p>Mine also says febuary sixth… so I guess I’ll RSVP first thing on feb 6th</p>

<p>In past years it has been very helpful when stats of invitees were posted along with which weekend they had been invited to (S/S or Singer). Subsequent years’ applicants will thank you for this info! </p>

<p>This year’s changes - with such widely varying amounts for the brand new Presidential award - are confusing and seeing stats might help make some sense of who can expect an invite in the future. Two years ago only recipients of the 24K University scholarship were among those invited to scholarship weekends. Last year students with 24K along with a few who had been awarded 20K awards were the only ones reporting invites. Not all students who received the 24K award received an invite though. It would be great to get a handle on how this year’s stats are matching up to invites. </p>

<p>It would be very helpful to know: </p>

<p>ACT (Composite AND superscore - several have asked recently if SS is considered in awards as opposed to just invites)
SAT scores (without writing)</p>

<p>Class Rank - (if available) historically rank has been important at the []_[]</p>

<p>GPA (UNWEIGHTED - weighted depends on the way each school weights classes so is comparing apples to oranges from school to school)</p>

<p>AP Scores/SAT Subject test Scores</p>

<p>^tturner519: I’d stay up until midnight on Feb 5th, I really would!</p>

<p>Brenneranderson, my son received $23K in scholarship and his stats are similar to yours, his school doesn’t class rank either although we told UM to call and they would be told his rank if they asked. My son’s GPA is 4.0 UW and he had 2 SATII tests of 800, ACT 34, Eagle Scout and hundreds of CS hours.
Hang in there.</p>

<p>Biocellar, he hasn’t received anything yet? His stats are impressive!</p>

<p>^ brenneranderson, yes he received an invitation at about 4:50p EST. for the Singer weekend on March 22-23</p>

<p>My daughter got 29K presidential, but has yet to hear about the weekends. Admitted to Architecture School, if that matters.</p>

<p>DS invited to the Singer/Stamps Weekend on March 1 & 2.<br>
35 ACT
1520/1600 SAT
school doesn’t rank
4.33 weighted GPA, approx. 3.98 unweighted
numerous AP courses (all 5’s) and college level courses
highly competitive science & tech high school
DS was awarded the $24,000/year scholarship.</p>

<p>Biocellar - that is very interesting that you son’s high school will release the rank in this situation. I had wondered about how so many schools that claim to have “dropped class ranks” actually handled releasing that info. </p>

<p>IllD93 was chosen as part of an areawide “academic team” last year (a contest run by the area newspaper in which high schools can nominate two seniors and someone chooses the “winners” not sure who does that, perhaps a group of educators) and there were several students named to the team who attended schools that claim not to rank any longer but those students’ ranks (1 and 2, I think) were listed in the newspaper along with their other stats in an article about the team. </p>

<p>Apparently some of the non-ranking schools will release this info when it is pertinent to a scholarship or academic contest - very interesting.</p>

<p>illinoismom93 - this is a good idea! I know I’ve appreciated these posts from previous years as well…</p>

<p>D received S/S invite - was accepted with $24K President’s Scholarship</p>

Class Rank: 1/600
GPA: 4.0
SAT Subject: Math 800 / Biology 770</p>

<p>Best of luck to those that have not heard! And congratulations to those that have!!!</p>

<p>If you got the 29k scholarship are you for sure going to be invited to the scholarship weekends?</p>

<p>It seems like all of those invited to S/S received in the low to mid 20s for the Presidential.
I wonder if those who received in the higher 20s were those who would have been invited to the weekend but didn’t meet one of the criteria? For instance I got 27000 but no S/S invite but my stats are lower than all of those who got in the low-mid 20s for the presidential and the S/S invite.
Is anyone else who got in the high 20s for the presidential but no invite seeing the same thing?</p>

<p>IDK. Very hard to understand why some of the higher amounts didn’t get invites. I thought maybe 23,000 was the cut-off. My son got 22,000.</p>

<p>Miamical and just4fun</p>

<p>Perhaps our kids just didn’t get the email yet? My son got 22K and no invite yet. 34 ACT superscored…</p>

<p>IDK. Very hard to understand why some of the higher amounts didn’t get invites. I thought maybe 23,000 was the cut-off. My son got 22,000.</p>

<p>Yes! My stats are not as great as many of the people posting that they received an invitation, but I received a 29k scholarship to the University. I wonder if it is solely based on test scores/GPA/class rank?</p>

<p>I am wondering if it has to do with the program applied to Computer Sci. here.</p>