Singer/Stamps 2013

<p>tkshafl- Since your sons were just accepted on the 8th and received their Singers invites today it obviously wasn’t possible for you to RSVP for the Singer weekend any earlier : ) Call Cristi Busto in admissions tomorrow (phone number is on the invite perhaps?) and explain the situation. She is very helpful!</p>

<p>Seriously, guys…over the next several weeks, Cristi Busto will become your best friend. :D</p>

<p>So this coral grant or gables grant whatever it is called, is it an extra 4k per year or just overall?</p>

<p>And also cristi busto is really helpful! She accommodated my need to switch weekends so she already is my best friend.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many people get Singer scholarships out of those invited?</p>

<p>@lexbex6395 - those who receive a Miami Grant (merit based) or a Coral Grant (need based) will receive the amount awarded for each of 4 undergraduate years - subject to satisfactory academic performance.</p>

<p>@MissxSilverwing - I believe approximately 20% of invitees are offered Singer scholarships.</p>

<p>zinc, I think lexbex6395 might have been referring to the Gables that’s been awarded in the past after S/S weekend - last year for 4k per year and in varying amounts two years ago (I think some received 2K and others 4K?)</p>

<p>But since everything else seems different this year, who knows? Certainly all the other scholarship names have changed as well as many of the amounts awarded.</p>

<p>Any information for the Hammond Scholars? My daughter was accepted to UM last week and received an invitation for the March 22nd and 23rd scholarship weekend.</p>

<p>@illinoismom93 and lexbex6395 - To clarify: if you attend a Singer/Stamps or Singer Only weekend and are subsequently awarded either the Coral or Miami Grant, it is an extra amount, above the Presidential scholarhip you already have. So, if you got 23K in your initial acceptance letter, attended say the 3/1-2 weekend and then received notice that you were getting a 4k Miami Grant, your total annual scholarship would be 27k, for each of the first 4 undergraduate years.</p>

<p>Question: I applied to the HPME program. I didn’t get it, but my email told me I was being considered for the Singer Scholarship. Since I applied for HPME, I was forced to apply under Regular Decision. I emailed admissions, and although I haven’t been officially accepted, the lady who responded told me I got in and had to wait for my acceptance letter. So when will I know if I received any presidential scholarships? Also, if I’m being considered for the Singer Scholarship, why haven’t I received any info on it?</p>

<p>@ansur84 - I believe any info about scholarships for RD applicants would be in the acceptance letter online and/or in snail mail if the pattern follows last year’s decisions. The third/last scholarship weekend is typically for RD applicants and isn’t until April 5/6th. </p>

<p>It looks as if RD decision were released last year starting on 3/6 : </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would guess that invites to the third scholarship weekend would go out right around the same time as decisions - giving people about a month to make travel arrangements, about the same amount of notice EA applicants for Stamps weekend received.</p>

<p>I’m a Stamps Scholar at Georgia Tech, and feel exactly the same way. The Miami program is incredible and has tons of available opportunities. Great programs around the country, although at most schools students have to apply EA to be considered.</p>

<p>I will be both a Student Host and Student Interviewer at the upcoming Singer/Stamps weekend. Hope you all are getting excited!!</p>

<p>I posted a thread with the changes in this year’s program, here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@MarineBio same here! I’m actually really excited for this (and for the food…). It’ll be in the mid 60s this weekend, so make sure everyone has their cold weather clothes hahaha</p>

<p>How was the S/S weekend for those who attended or participated, its awfully quiet here…???
We will be there in 2 weeks.</p>

<p>I attended the Stamps weekend and it was great. The people were friendly and it made me see the U in a new light. The speakers were fantastic and Cristi Busto put on an amazing weekend.</p>

<p>My son attended the weekend, and he was told he would hear back from the university in two weeks. Looking at posts from the past, it seems like it was a week—not two. Is this something different this year?</p>

<p>They say two weeks, but it is usually one to one-and-a-half weeks. They overestimate to prevent you from worrying about it if it doesn’t come within the first week.</p>

<p>We just got back from the Stamps Weekend. If you read Illinoismom’s review of her trip last year, it was pretty much the same this year. The weather was overcast and very cool (Miami standards). Everyone apologized for the weather even though it was out of their control. During the dinner, Dr. Green stated everyone attending Stamps weekend would be a Foote Fellow. This was revised during the Parents session, all Stamps and Singer scholarship winners would be Foote Fellows but since the quality of students was so high, it was likely a majority of the Stamps attendees would also be Foote Fellows. The decision will arrive in approx. 2 weeks. You will be inform via email whether it is a yes or no. 20-25% will be getting the Singer but they have not decided on the exact number of scholarships. </p>

<p>I would tell all the ladies to wear comfortable shoes. There is a lot of walking. One poor girl was wearing a pair of very nice-looking sandals with a 2 inch heel. Her feet was all red and I’m sure she had some blisters.</p>

<p>Parents do not sit with the mentors and your student during lunch. I don’t know if all the mentors are part of the interview but for DS – his mentor was there for his interview. Parents do not try to tag along when they call your students to the interview session. Yes, parents did try to follow and were told to go back. </p>

<p>The speakers were excellent especially the students during the dinner. The students were very enthusiastic and it was the best student panel we have seen during all our college trips. DS enjoyed his model class and said he would take it if he went to Miami.</p>

<p>There is very little down time on Saturday. If you want to visit the Bookstore, go right after lunch (since you are in the same building) before heading to the Parent Session. Overall, it was a well-planned event and we did enjoy our visit.</p>