Singer/Stamps 2013


Just keep in mind that you’ve been invited because they want you. Don’t let it get to your head too much, but in a sense, you do hold a bit of the power in this situation. :p</p>

Something else to consider: My D was invited to Singer/ Stamps last year (24K – 34 ACT, 4.0 UW GPA, top 1%) and received neither. What she did get from attending the Singer/Stamps Weekend:

  1. Foote Fellow
  2. Significant additional money
  3. A research opportunity. Her interviewer told her to email him when she was ready. She contacted him one morning in November; that afternoon she had an interview with a professor at the med school. This semester she is spending ten hours a week in a lab as a freshman.</p>







<p>seekinguni - have they changed the third weekend? Is it not for RD applicants this year?</p>


I can echo this! I am a freshman in the engineering school and am currently involved in research with the professor that interviewed me at Singer weekend. One of the great things about it is they pick a professor who is in your field of study, so it’s a fantastic opportunity to establish a connection. :)</p>



<p>Ah I didn’t realize that the third weekend was for RD applicants; it probably hasn’t changed! I must’ve just been thinking of Stamps, which is only for EA/ED applicants, while Singer has one weekend for RD applicants.</p>

<p>Oh, okay. That’s good. I was really bummed for a moment there haha! Apparently last year, RD applicants were notified in early March. I’m surprise that the weekend isn’t until early April - people must find out really quickly afterward.</p>

<p>Congrats to those who received invites, and best of luck!</p>

<p>Hopefully I’ll be able to give tours for at least some of the weekends again this year. They’re always my favorite tours to give, because you guys come up with such fantastic questions :)</p>

<p>One final question: do the interviews take up the bulk of the time that is allotted (on the schedule it appears to be 1:30-3:30ish), or is it a case by case basis, such as one person might go at 1:30 and be completed by 2, and another student’s interview might not start until 3:00? Would I be pushing it to ask for an early interview slot (if that is even how it works)?</p>

<p>^baylahh: The students are randomly broken up in to 4 groups (A,B,C,D). Group A students have their interviews from 1:30-2:00, Group B from 2:00-2:30, and so on. Times are approximate as some interviews last 15 minutes, some last 40. I suppose you could ask (probably Cristi) to be assigned to one of the earlier groups.</p>

<p>I wrote this after last year’s Stamps Scholarship Weekend:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yesterday I logged in to RSVP but I noticed that the dates given to me happen to fall on the same day as my sister’s wedding. I tried calling today, but all I got was the voicemail. I just logged in now to check the dates again and I saw that it says it is at full capacity. What should I do? Does this mean I am no longer eligible for the Singer Scholarship?</p>

<p>You should call office of admissions and ask for Cristi Busto. If you get voicemail, then leave a message, but then call back first thing in the AM to see if you can switch to another weekend. If they are all full, then they are all full. This is why I posted 4 or 5 days ago that candidates needed to RSVP as soon as possible and even recommended logging on at 12:01 am on the 6th to do so.</p>

<p>I did call several times and it said she was with the admissions committee in a review so I figured she would get my message. However, when I emailed her today I got an automatic reply saying that she was dealing with family matters at home. The email instructed me to email Brandon Gross about my issue and I did. Now I’m just waiting for a reply.</p>

<p>Then you’ve done just about all you can, short of trying to reach Brandon by phone.</p>

<p>Is it true that even if you do not winner Singer UM will still give you more money on your original scholarship?</p>

<p>Yes, you usually get the Gables Scholarship (or Coral Grant, I don’t remember which it is) in the amount of about $4k, if you don’t get Singer.</p>

<p>If I understand correctly, three different kinds of invitations were sent out at the same time, each with one of the three weekends, correct? So does that mean that by now all the weekends are probably filled up? I just received my invitation today, and my March 2 weekend is filled up. I really hope I don’t miss out on the scholarship because I received my invite so late! I left a voicemail for Brandon Gross and I’ll call him on Monday…</p>



<p>If it was a Stamps invite, the first weekend (March 2) is the only one of the three that includes Stamps invitees. If it was a Singer invite, you can try and find out if the third weekend has any openings.</p>

<p>I think all weekends are full. I just looked back through my e-mail and saw that I missed the e-mail that they sent about the scholarships; I guess I was skimming and thought it was spam. Do you think that’s it then? That’s really disappointing.</p>

<p>My sons got invitation for singer scholarship today(march 22-23). They have not got any E-mail before. When they tried RSVP, they got the message that it is full. Will UM accomodate students when there is no place?</p>