Singer/Stamps invitations?

<p>Any idea when this weekend is scheduled, do they hold it on more than one weekend, when do the invitations get issued? EA app going to be submitted this week, if $$ opportunity isn't offered will not pursue.</p>

<p>Yes.there is more then one weekend. I think there were two Singer and one Stamps/Singer. The invite didn’t come with the acceptance package but I think it was within a couple of weeks. You should search the old threads to get more precise info.</p>

<p>Also, don’t forget that if there is a Stamps or Singer invite issued and your student doesn’t win the competition there can still be more money offered. I mentioned on another thread that although my daughter didn’t win, she was offered more scholarship $ after the competition. As a kind of consolation prize:).</p>

<p>Thank you. Was just playing with airfares and since I have NO clue of the timing I can’t even begin to estimate cost to attend THAT. But I have a twisted ankle so I’m sitting on here all day. ;)</p>

<p>Around this time last year I was on CC every day! My daughter said I was going to need a 12 step program to get off. But after her decision was made, I found it easy to wean myself. I haven’t been on for months but “slipped” when the new rankings came out. Really!</p>

<p>If I recall from last year’s posts, there is one Singer/Stamps and one Singer for Early Action, with another Singer scholarship for Regular Decision. Last year the Singer/Stamps weekend was the weekend after President’s Day (I visited President’s Day weekend and asked about it). The Singer I believe is sometime in march, but don’t quote me on that. Hope this helped! I’ll also be applying EA, hoping to see that Singer/Stamps invite sometime in February :)</p>

<p>All 3 weekends are in March…not sure of the dates, but all of the weekends are the ones not surrounding spring break. Hope this info is helpful.</p>

<p>DinDune: Last year I’m pretty sure the Singer/Stamps weekend is in February. I specifically remember it being the weekend after President’s Day weekend last year.</p>

<p>It was earlier last year. I just called for the dates because I wanted to make sure we kept our calendar open, just in case! March this year…</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. March, most expensive flights of the year from up here. :-(. </p>

<p>Do you know if they cover the cost of anything? Hotel or meals or any of that? Just wondering of course.</p>

<p>They no longer cover the costs of hotel and I don’t think they ever did travel. I believe they provide a dinner Friday night and shuttles from some local hotels if you don’t have a car or don’t want to deal with a car. It seems to change a bit each year…just crossing fingers to get an invite!</p>

<p>Same here DinDune. Thanks.</p>

<p>I think the scheduling is a bit different each year. Here’s what UM did for the class of 2015 applicants:
Stamps/Singer weekend: 2/25-26 << we attended this one >>
Singer weekend 1: 3/25 - 26
Singer weekend 2: 4/1 -2</p>

<p>For those that did really well in the interview, you were either invited for a personal interview with Mr. Stamps (Skype) or you received the Singer award. If you didn’t do as well, most (all?) received the Gables scholarship - another $4000 per year.
We found out the results about 10 days after the weekend via email. Also found out about Foote in that same email.</p>

<p>Dinner Friday night and lunch Saturday were provided as well as shuttles from 3 area hotels. Since it seems everyone we spoke with received the Gables award, an extra $16k over 4 years makes up for the cost of the trip - assuming you end up attending UM of course!

<p>Just a quick question. Do you think a 35 ACT will make up for being 13/327 for class rank in terms of getting a Singer/Stamps invite?</p>

<p>Marinebio, I think you’re fine. Don’t stress. :slight_smile: That puts you in the top 4% of your class. Really once you get beyond the top 10% it doesn’t say to much, IMO.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks. I just really want the Singer/Stamps invite, haha</p>

<p>We know, we know!! :)</p>

<p>Hi all! </p>

<p>I’ve been reading the Miami threads here for quite some time and have learned so much from all of you. ZincWhiskers and rankinr, in particular, are so incredibly helpful - always jumping in to help newbies out based on their experiences as an experienced parent and student, respectively. In addition, comeonapril1 spent so much of her own time to provide enormous support and so many answers to our questions via many private messages here. We are truly blessed to have these committed sources of info and help here on CC from those who could have gone off to their lives but chose to remain behind to help those coming up behind them! </p>

<p>It seems that each school year is even more competitive than the last so it is so very hard to predict how things will go when the highly coveted Singer/Stamps scholarship weekend invites are sent. As the school’s ranking continues on its ascent (38 and climbing!) I assume this year will see even tougher competition for the invitations to the scholarship weekends. </p>

<p>I don’t want to jump the gun and make any assumptions about my daughter’s chances for an invite to either of the two weekends in question (she applied EA and I think the 3rd weekend last year was for RD?) but in our situation, and as sujormik mentioned in her recent post, airfares are already sky high from Illinois to Florida for March and I would guess they will only go higher the closer it gets. If the invites are sent in early February as I believe I read about last year’s cycle, it certainly won’t leave us much time to book tickets and I hate to think how much they might be by then… In that note, I was wondering if anyone knows the exact dates for the Singer/Stamps and Singer scholarship weekends? </p>

<p>I believe DinDune posted a while ago that he had called Miami and was told that all three weekends were scheduled for March this year, but I didn’t see any mention of the exact dates. It would be so helpful to try to decide if our budget would be able to manage this trip, IF, of course she was offered one of the coveted invites by checking airfares for the two weekends in question. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance if anyone has this info, and a big thanks again to all the regulars here for the help you have all offered up to new parents and students over the last year here on CC! I can call Miami and ask the dates, of course, but wanted to check her first. I had to call them already a few weeks ago after my daughter emailed admissions (but received no answer) about her concerns over missing school transcripts, etc, as reflected on her myum page. I hate to bother them again in what sounds like a frenzied time down there in admissions if anyone here already knows the dates - and/or might perhaps want to commiserate with us in regards to the anticipated flight costs : )</p>

<p>@IllinoisMom93 - thanks for the kind words. I enjoy staying in touch via this website with the folks that helped me when I was in your shoes and I like to “payback” in a small way by sharing either what I know or at least my opinion. </p>

<p>I’ll contact my “insiders” on Monday and let you know if they know the exact dates for the SS weekends. We went thru the same angst over flight expenses (from upstate NY) to Miami. The good news was that the weekends weren’t tied into any spring break or holiday weeks, so the fares were more or less reasonable.

<p>I don’t know what the dates are (but I can also try to find out tomorrow), but a cool feature that a friend of mine discovered (while booking tickets for our quidditch team to travel to New York City) is that if you search for flights on Bing (not a fan, but for this, it works) it will give you a little box that says whether the prices for the flight are expected to go up, down, or stay the same, based upon economic conditions, historical factors, etc. It will also show you a history of the past few months and how the price has been changing recently.</p>