Singer/Stamps Qualifications Question

<p>It was actually only 2 days before, my brain is completely dead right now, haha. So it probably was there before the trip, you just didn’t see it.</p>

<p>mithwhizmia I don’t think the Miami Grant means your S got cut in an early round. I was notified that I receive the grant and I haven’t even attended a weekend. There’s still hope! :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>

<p>What I’m wondering is how the Gables will play out this year. Since this year is different from past years in that some recipients of the Dickinson Scholarship were invited to Singer/Stamps weekend, whereas in the past only those who received the University were considered for an invite, I am wondering if anything will be different with the Gables… Especially since I’ve never seen it anywhere on the U’s website, has anyone else?</p>

<p>Since mithwhizmia heard from a student at his table that his mentor mentioned amounts ranging from $2000 to 4000 and someone else at the table said $8000, and these amounts were related to an award for attending the weekend, I can’t wait to see if anything new happens with the Gables this year…Monday can’t come soon enough here! Especially since D cannot attend without at least the value of the Singer so for us it’s a make or break day -crossing fingers and toes!</p>

<p>Was the Gables for something specific in the past?</p>

<p>Bad news for S. No Singer or Stamps, but he’s a Foote! And got the Gables Scholarship, so that’s 4k more. I guess my theory that he wouldn’t be in the running because he’d already committed his deposit will have to be proven my someone else. I assume everyone has been notified by now. Excited about the Foote, but even tho we weren’t really expecting the Stamps, I guess he thought Singer was within reach because he’s sorely disappointed. With the other merit scholarships he is almost at full scholarship so in reality the only thing that would’ve made a real big difference was the Stamps. Although being a Singer Scholar would have been quite an honor. Still going to the U, but just a little less pumped up today.</p>


I wonder if it’s worth emailing and asking Cristi Busto if paying the enrollment deposit would have any impact whatsoever. I paid my deposit the Wednesday after the scholarship weekend (i.e. five days ago) and truly hope that didn’t make the difference of me not getting Singer.</p>

<p>I don’t know…I know that MarineBio444 had paid the enrollment deposit and got one, I believe, looking at the decisions page.</p>

<p>It would be an interesting question to ask, but I doubt seriously they would admit it even if it was the case. I just can’t get it out of my mind that they were heavily marketing to students that they wanted…and he was already there. It just makes sense to me that if they wanted a max return there was nothing to gain by throwing more money at people who’d already enrolled. Why not use the honor to tempt an undecided? </p>

<p>Anyone get it who’d paid their deposit?</p>


Ah, okay then that disproves the theory :stuck_out_tongue: I didn’t think they’d do something like that.</p>

<p>Musicalme, yep, I had paid my enrollment deposit before the weekend.</p>

<p>OK, you got me. Call me a cynic, but I’m a marketing analyst and it’s in my nature to consider this kind of thing.</p>

<p>Congrats MarineBio!! :slight_smile:
And mithshizmia, not at all - that thought has crossed my mind many times haha.</p>