<p>So, this is my first post here, but I've been a longtime observer.</p>
<p>I thought it might be nice to post websites that you've found with anything Columbia related. I applied early decision and, like many of you, can hardly bear the anticipation. So, I often find myself hunting down anything I can find about Columbia.</p>
<p>Some of the ones I thought you might like to check out:</p>
<p>the first link is the best one- i’ve been to it before… gives you a lot of info on not only columbia but all the other ivies as well…and regular schools but not as in depth… go to it!!!</p>
<p>I’d have to agree that the first link is the best, and not just for Columbia. Don’t forget to post your own sites…I’m running out of material and could use your help getting through the last week before hearing :D</p>
<p>nastynate0315 - too true. I spend more time on this than on my homework these days… yikes. Funny thing is my grades have actually gone up… if only I had discovered this strategy earlier in high school. Who woulda thought?</p>
<p>Cerber- those cracked me up. They reminded me of this group in New York that do large scale pranks. Though not related to Columbia, they feed my desire of being there in the city. </p>