Approximately two weeks ago, I dropped off transcript request forms accompanied with the Common App College Report to my current school’s Registrar.
I handed them to the student assistant, and I asked if the Registrar was indeed able to fill out the College Report. She walked over to the woman in charge of the office, and she said yes, we fill these out, and placed it on her desk while looking at it.
So, I have been constantly checking the portals of all the schools I applied to in order to check if my documents were received. Nada, nothing. I know it usually takes them a while to process those documents, so I remained quiet.
Here we are, two weeks later, and still nothing. Today, I emailed the Registrar, and I asked them if they sent out my documents yet since none of my schools received them yet.
I get a response that says they just received the request on Tuesday, and they were all sent out YESTERDAY.
This is FALSE. I am not on campus on Tuesday’s, plus, I dropped off the forms two weeks ago. I am afraid I am going to miss a lot of the deadlines now since I believe a number of the schools needed these documents by TODAY.
Do I respond to this email because I feel like going off on the people? LOL. Do I email the schools I am applying to and let them know my school messed up?
Sort of panicked right now.