Skidmore Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

greg do you want someone to email admissions for you ?

i can only speculate it’ll be this week. fingers crossed

Yes please, but I don’t want to bother them. Thanks for helping me.

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i shall do it greg :star_struck::star_struck:

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Can you please let me know when they respond?

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okey dokey king :crown::crown:

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Thanks. Also, can you please let me know what they say?

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what made you guys want to apply to skidmore? is it your first choice?

the pretty window seats and absolutely nothing else

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It was a great school, and it was in a beautiful area.

im between skidmore and emerson right now, I actually got in touch with the director of the film program at skidmore and they straight up told me not to go here if im interested in entertainment

geez, probably good advice though

yeah… idk how much I should be taking that into consideration when it comes to my choice.

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this process is so anxiety inducing. Do you guys feel confident that youll get in?

i got in through ED1 and it was just as nerve wrecking

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I do, but I want an answer for a date that my decision will be released. Can you or anyone else send me that info ASAP?

im not a particularly great student, I think I would probably get in because i didnt apply for fin aid and that seems to be an important factor? but who knows

everyone else is waiting along with you

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I know, but I am done with this waiting and I want to know ASAP.

i cant wait for this process to be over

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