<p>So I know that even though Middletown is in New England, it's not in the middle of the mountains or anything. When it does snow, does anybody leave campus on a weekend to go skiing? Where do you go and how far a drive? Thanks.</p>
<p>Dart, Middlebury and Williams are more known for skiing destinations.</p>
<p>Wes is a good four hours from any place that would have appreciable natural snow (Stowe, Killington, etc.)</p>
<p>That makes it difficult to take a weekend for skiing.</p>
<p>^^but, not impossible. Break periods seem to be the most popular times:
[Schedule</a> for 2005](<a href=“http://www.wesleyan.edu/wsa/skiteam/Schedule.htm]Schedule”>http://www.wesleyan.edu/wsa/skiteam/Schedule.htm)</p>
<p>Haa, but I am an avid skier.</p>
<p>First off, my mother wanted me to clarify that this is her son posting on her account.</p>
<p>However, I am choosing to reply to this thread because I am a current Wesleyan student and skiing is one of my passions. I’d first like to say that the Wesleyan ski team/club, despite its very lacking (or possibly non-existent) website, is in fact very alive and active. The annual Wesleyan ski trip, a trip that 62(?) students are attending this year, provides transportation, housing and lift tickets for 5 nights at an affordable price (under $400). You do not have to be a member of the ski team/club; anyone can attend as long as they get their checks in, in time.</p>
<p>On a related note, the Ski Team itself, the hosting entity of this trip, competes six weekends in a row during the second semester. Just joining the team, a team, which I should add is composed of many skiers new to racing, is a very easy (and extremely fun) option for avid skiers.</p>
<p>And finally, it is very easy to find fellow students with cars who go up on the weekends to go skiing.</p>
<p>And there is crappy skiing 20 minutes away, decent-good skiing 2 hours away, and good-very good skiing 4 hours away.</p>
<p>Mount Snow isn’t bad at all, and is only a little more than two hours away, perfect for weekend.</p>
<p>Hey, Calgal: thanks. Good to know.</p>