Skipping Calc I/II

<p>Hi guys, I am an incoming honors college student of The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>I would like to seek some advice from current Bama students :-).</p>

<p>So I have 5 in AP Chem, Calc BC, Calc AB, and AP Bio, 4 in AP physics mechanics. and I was told that I would be able to skip classes even though I won’t get Honors Credit. </p>

<p>Now here is the question.</p>

<p>Do you guys recommend skipping Honors Calc and Chem classes?</p>

<p>I am reallllllllly confident with Calculus and chemistry. Chemistry is the easiest subject for me and</p>

<p>my Calculus teacher is an amazing teacher who actually knows his stuff; he got teaching excellency awards from Ivy </p>

<p>schools! Assuming you are super great at Calc I,II and chemistry, would you skip Honors course of those subjects? </p>

<p>If you use the search button in this very forum, there is TONS of discussion about this already! Good luck! Meanwhile, I’ll try to find you some threads… (go up to the magnifying glass next to the #'d pages, near top right corner of the forum…</p>

<p>Sorry, I jumped to a conclusion without reading this question properly - I thought you were asking about the age-old question of whether to use AP credits or not. By using AP credits you are skipping that course completely - whether it is an Honors section or not is largely irrelevant. Since you are confident in these subjects, I would most definitely advise that you take the AP credits and move on to the higher level courses in the sequence, or those needed for your major. What is your major, by the way?</p>

<p>In your situation, use the AP credits and take more advanced courses instead. There are other ways to earn honors credit.</p>

<p>pre medicine studies. Btw, I WON"T get honors credit through AP courses. That’s what I was told…they will take AP credit if it were normal courses</p>

<p>If you want to get the most out of your four years at Bama, don’t retake subjects you already know - do something new instead! There will be plenty of opportunity to get honors credit. If there’s still space available (and I don’t know if there is), you can start by arriving a week early and doing Alabama Action. But if it’s too late to sign up, there will be plenty of other opportunities to earn honors credit. Don’t stress over it!</p>

<p>Since you are premed, I would retake one (either cal 1 or cal 2) for premed prereq…unless you are going higher in math. so take the one that you will easily get an A. If you want honors, take cal 1 in the fall…or take cal II in the spring.</p>

<p>for premed, getting the A in a calc class is a win/win…bumps the cum and BCMP gpa.</p>

<p>do you have your humanities and SB credits? if not, take those in honors. also, take Honors Deductive Logic in Philosophy…every premed should take that!!! (take with Torin Alter or Wrenn…not Rachels…I may have the spellings a little off but you’ll be able to figure out.</p>

<p>Dr. Alter is super amazing. Dr. Wrenn is very good. Dr. Rachels is a bit full of himself since he is the son of the amazing renown Dr. James Rachels.</p>

<p>Mom2… That’s great advice! My DS is starting in the fall with ME/ pre-med track. I didn’t know about the philosophy course! Although he exempted out of Calc 1 and Calc 2, he decided to retake Calc 1 instead of going into Calc 3 for the pre-med requirement and because it has been 2 years since he took it. The question he has is if he retakes Calc 1 and passes, ugh please, can he still go directly to Calc 3 since he has already received the AP exemption for 2 or will taking Calc 1 remove that exemption too? He doesn’t want to take both again. Thanks!!</p>

<p>My understanding is that he would be eligible to take Calc III. The math department would know for sure.</p>

<p>Yes, he would be eligible for Cal III, but if his major doesnt require that and he is premed, he should pad his gpa and retake one of them.</p>

<p>How does someone send in only some AP scores to be applied? How does UA know that you don’t want to apply your AP Calc I score, but you do want to apply your AP Calc II score?! Doesn’t sound right to me… </p>

<p>One registers for the class they wish to retake. After final grades are posted, UA will change the AP credit for the course to that of a repeat so the student gets credit for the on-campus course.</p>



<p>AP scores are sent and applied. However, a student is free to retake an AP credit’d class… Premeds and engg students do this all the time.</p>

<p>premeds often use the Bio II ap credit (boring class, nothing to do with MCAT) and retake Bio I to reinforce MCAT info…and to pad the gpa. so in that case, only half of one AP class’s credit is being fully used.</p>

<p>Surely you can’t get credit for an AP class AND retake it also for credit?!</p>

<p>btw is it too late to change my major? Or make it to double major?</p>



<p>the way it works is this…</p>

<p>the scores get uploaded and credit is awarded. If the student then takes the class, the ap credit for that class is removed and credit is given for the completed course.</p>

<p>Paul…no, it isnt too late to change your major. what is your major now? what do you want it to be?</p>



<p>I think he can…students do that with ap bio credits…retake bio 1, but use bio II credits from ap to move on.</p>

<p>retaking cal I should not cancel the ap credits for cal II</p>

<p>Of course, he could ONLY retake cal II if that is his fear. or just go directly to cal lll</p>

<p>well I said pre med, but I thought doubling with math would be great too for my future</p>

<p>I know that you are premed, but that isnt a major… you have to choose a major, any major, to be premed.</p>

<p>You cannot declare a double until after the start of your freshman semester.</p>