<p>31A starts to get into washers and volumes/solids and more integration. 3A not so much. 3A is more stats type stuff methinks.</p>
<p>3A = anything to do with derivatives. no integration. its a great class to boost your gpa</p>
<p>too bad im in 31a...</p>
<p>those methods arent too bad...</p>
<p>Hey H of H, for 70A, I'm in Discussion 1G w/ Ellis. How about you? I have Lec 1 for Eng Comp :P</p>
<p>Btw, what do you learn in Math 31B?</p>
<p>i HATE infinite series, convergence, divergence and all that crap</p>
<p>i'll be taking that next quarter...</p>
<p>haha sucks for you! go CALC AB/BC exams.!</p>
<p>Does math3a prepare you well for math31a?</p>
<p>They're part of a different series, I think that 31a is for phys. sciences majors and 3a is for life sciences majors, so you won't be taking both unless you change your major.</p>
<p>I'm just wondering because right now I'm going to do math3a...but just in case I decide to do business...I'll have to do math31a.</p>
<p>doesn't 31A cover 3a? I'm sure you have the option, and I do believe it'd be better for you to take 3A though. What major are you looking at currently?</p>
<p>Yeah I took the math placement exam and had the option of doing either math3a or math31a but I decided to do math3a (easier?) because my current major is psychobiology.</p>
<p>i thought i understood math but i took the calc bc test and scored a 3 :( as well as a 3 on the ab subscore. waah
how difficult/easy would math 3a be for me?</p>
<p>if you are fundamentally sound in taking derivatives, theres no reason why you shouldnt get an A in 3A</p>
<p>Look online for past syllabi for the course. Have you looked at the Neuhauser book?</p>
<p>its all goooood......just chilllllllll</p>
<p>it was shipped to in my grandma's house. i quickly turned to a random page, and there was my fav: l'hopital!!!!!!!!! i hope i get an A in 3A..</p>
<p>yeah i wanna get an A too...we shall both do it</p>
<p>I sleep to stress and I stress to sleep.</p>
<p>L'hopital rule = awesome.</p>