<p>junior here.
5 AP/college classes and 1 honors class, around 3-4 hours everyday for things involving musical instrument, various other EC’s, done with AP’s/SAT I/ SAT II’s. very little, if any, social life. i get around 7-8 hours of sleep(like 11 ish - 6:10 ish)
tbh i used to get less sleep sophomore yr(like maybe 5 hrs per night) and it was beyond miserable. i dont get how some ppl on this board survive with like 4 hours of sleep a night…</p>
<p>I have 5 APs and I usually go to bed about 11, but this is a really bad habit I don’t want to carry over next year.</p>
<p>It’s harder to fall asleep if you’re on watching TV or on a computer/cell phone especially right before bed, so it’s better to read before going to bed. And also It’s really tempting but you shouldn’t take a nap after school, since this will make you want to stay up later. Plus, you really need continuous sleep, so I guess my point is, don’t cram homework on Sunday night or else it’ll start off a bad cycle. D: It’s really hard to get yourself to go bed at 10 when you’re used to 12. I’ve heard things like milk/yoga helps you feel relaxed/sleepy but you could also just take some melatonin (takes about an hour to sink in, might depend).</p>
<p>I work realllyyy slow so I try to finish some work while I’m at school, and at home I let myself take breaks in between long assignments so I can feel more productive (but don’t get carried away). Try not to bum yourself out. If you think you’re going to be miserable and never finish, then you’re setting yourself up for that. Instead, (corny but) try to see it as a “challenge.” Maybe work something out so you finish some work every hour, or after every episode of a show or whatever for those who actually have time to watch a marathon or something.</p>
<p>This week is going to be terrible, because I have so many projects to do and some makeup work and I have to study for subject tests. I was just at a friend’s house to work on a project that is our final exam for APUSH. And now I have to study for econ, finish a physics worksheet, and study for the physics SAT. Probably going to bed at 1.</p>
<p>So today I submitted my term paper for APUSH. The day before I started it, I woke up at 3 PM. For no reason at all, I stayed up until 5 AM even though I planned to wake up at 8 AM to start writing my paper. I woke up at 8 AM, and because of procrastination and a small hour nap, I submitted my finished paper at 5:34 AM. About half of the APUSH kids who have my teacher were up doing that. When I started to get ready for school, I felt very jittery, and I realized that I left the window open for the whole night. I was shivering uncontrollably and looked like a crack addict. It is still the same day, but now I feel less sick than I did at 5 am. After school, I had to go to the museum of natural history for my astrophysics course, but I kept on falling asleep and even drooled. It is 10:24 PM. I really need to get to bed soon, but I have homework to do still as I got home late.</p>
<p>It was an 11 page term paper on NASA and Climate Change, and while it was interesting, it was really hard to structure the information for my first thesis point.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure once you start loading up the Ap/college classes, you hit the triangle:
You can only choose two
Studies-Sleep-Social Life</p>
<p>If I gotta stay up late, I end up committing for a week- long sleep adjustment.
Ex: Stay up till 2am Wednesday morning, nap after school, stay up to finish work I would have finished after school, and so on until I sleep like all of Saturday</p>
<p>I think the intensity or effects of sleep deprivation exponentially increase the earlier your first class of the day is. Staying up until 2am isn’t too bad when you can wake up at 8 and get to class on time; it’s pretty bad if you have to wake up at 6am for a 7 o’clock class. The best you can do, I believe, is to do what you gotta do and roll with the punches.</p>
<p>I’m sleep deprivated. It’s not because of any school/emotional issues. I hate to sleep. Unless I am horribly exhausted from the day before I can’t sleep, during or outside of the school year. Sleep is “lost” time to me. Spend so much time of our lives sleeping, I hate to be asleep. That mindset keeps me fumbling in bed whenever I try to sleep.</p>
<p>I usually get around 4-5 hours, but I feel pretty darn awake throughout the remainder of the day. I find myself yawning more and feeling sleepier for some reason if I did 7-8 hours or something, and it sucks because I can’t sleep then.</p>
<p>Hate to be that one guy who nags on grammar… </p>
<p>But still, it’s deprived. There’s no such word as deprivated.</p>
<p>(@mrnephew Yes, marking ^^^ as helpful was sarcastic. That said, Grammar Nazis FTW!)</p>
<p>I get bothered by seeing those blatantly wrong use of words. </p>
<p>looks like i’ll be staying up until 3 today… D:</p>
<p>Probably going to bed at 1:30. And I have to get up at 6:30. Hooray for 5 hours of sleep.</p>
<p>@themorningsky I don’t really understand why people use the phrase “Grammar Nazi”. I know I shouldn’t read too much into it, but it seems as if people who wish to enforce the laws of grammar are being compared to “Nazis”. Sure, I see some similarities between so-called Grammar Nazis and actual Nazis, but the “crime” of pointing out typos etc is incomparable to the activities the Nazis participated in.</p>
<p>BTW, even though I am tagging themorningsky, I am NOT directing this comment to her (or anyone in particular). I just saw the phrase “Grammar Nazi” used, and I’m just ranting a little bit because I am sleep-deprived (which is why I was attracted to this thread ) I hope no one takes my rambling to heart!</p>
<p>@boardingschoolx Well, honestly the phrase Grammar Nazi never brought any images of the Holocaust or even a connotation of negative feelings for me (except for maybe [this</a> light-hearted satire](<a href=“Grammar Nazis - YouTube”>Grammar Nazis - YouTube)).</p>
<p>And TBH, I am one in real life (I can never bear hearing “I said him so!”); but online (and especially in the context of YouTube comments or forums where we’re conversing over an inconvenient asynchronous medium), I’ve grown to detest it too as instead of being a trivial 2-second correction, it gets permanently enshrined with its own space distracting from the overall topic more.</p>
<p>“I apologise for the long rant; I didn’t have enough time to make it short.” --Probably many people before me</p>
<p>The problem with Internet grammar Nazis is that a lot of them have all kinds of grammar/spelling/punctuation/capitalization errors in their posts, but they’re never going to educate themselves because they think they know everything already. (The other problem with Internet grammar Nazis is that people have a lot of reasons for writing badly and most of them can’t be immediately fixed. Not everyone on the Internet is a native English speaker.) Most people know the difference between “they’re” and “their” even if they use them wrong. It’s just carelessness. But not everyone knows the difference between “discreet” and “discrete,” so if people misuse one of those I usually point it out. </p>
<p>If the post is completely wrong, then you know that there’s a problem. But if there is a single word that sticks out in a finely written paragraph, then I usually point it out.</p>
<p>The time I go to bed really depends on the day normally I go to bed at 12:30ish but not because I have a lot of homework but because I’m one of those people who starts a tv series or book and would not be able to go to sleep without finishing it . I’m a major procrastinator so I don’t normally go to sleep at all if I have a test the next day . However if I’m really tired I crash around 3:30 pm and not wake up until 7:10 am Also I only had one Ap class . </p>
<p>That’s like 15 hours and 40 minutes of sleep… Dang I wish I had that much.</p>
<p>I wish there were more hours in a day. And that I didn’t need sleep to function.</p>
<p>I wish that I had immortality+eternal youth and time freezing abilities, even if they only affected everything but me. That way, I could continue to think about a problem/work/formulate/sleep, even if I can’t manipulate the objects around me. Or maybe freezing everything in time, and me in place, to not mess with air and gases…</p>