<p>So I finally finished the SLS application and now they just want me to pick the workshops. Which do you reccomend?</p>
<p>Choose what your interested in!</p>
<p>My favorite workshop when I was in attendance at the Summer Leaders Seminar was the Human Behavior Workshop. It’s an interesting introduction to various fields relating to psychology and whatnot.</p>
<p>All of my friends who attended SLS and were placed in the Chemistry Workshop said they enjoyed that one the most. I guess they did several hands-on activities which were quite engaging.</p>
<p>Then again, your interests may encourage you away from the studies of psychology and chemistry, so choose what you are most interested in. Even those that sound boring, such as the Mathematics Workshop, are a lot more fun than you would expect. Remember, these workshops are designed to encourage you to come to the USMA, so the instructors are going to try and pour in as much fun as possible.</p>
<p>Thanks for the suggestions. My son registered online before he’d found all the course descriptions, so just chose by his interests (and interestingly enough, chemistry and math were his first choices of workshops!). Then after he was accepted for SLS, we looked through the website more closely and found the detailed descriptions. He decided he really wants to do the geography one now, and had ranked it 13th of 15! He called the SLS office and asked and they told him to just write it on his registration when he mails them in. Right now we’re working on finding a notary to get that paper filled out to mail everything!</p>
<p>What are the workshop choices, if you don’t mind my asking?</p>
<p>Course descriptions can be found here:
<a href=“http://admissions.usma.edu/moreinfo/SLSCourseDescriptions2009.pdf[/url]”>http://admissions.usma.edu/moreinfo/SLSCourseDescriptions2009.pdf</a> </p>
<p>[USMA</a> Admissions: More Info: Summer Program](<a href=“http://admissions.usma.edu/moreInfo/summer.cfm]USMA”>http://admissions.usma.edu/moreInfo/summer.cfm)</p>
<p>Are these basically the same each year or do the offerings change alot?</p>
<p>bump message (answer please)…</p>
<p>These typically remain the same, with slight variants over the years.</p>
<p>I went through the course descriptions before applying, but the warfighting simulations course wasn’t an option for the workshops. Does that meaan the workshop is full?</p>
<p>And by the way, I applied a while back. So I’m waiting on my acceptance…</p>
<p>Electrical Engineering Digital Integrated Circuit Electronics Workshop –
you get to make a digital clock, and it eventually becomes yours. what a great souvenir!!!</p>
<p>Computer and Information Technology Applications Workshop–
you actually do something that is classified…</p>
<p>accepted, session 2 SLS</p>
<p>Shadow17- I’ve gathered from a bunch of forum sites and other sheets that the warfighting simulation is a course that ALL participants take as a means to measure our…potential. I prioritized all engineering/math/physics workshops ahead of social/arts workshops. I got my info packet back from them and there is no confirmation as to which workshops we’re in.</p>
<p>Hope that helps.</p>
<p>Titan, thanks for the info. I assumed it was full or that we all participated.</p>
<p>Ok, I applied on March 5 (the day I found out about SLS) and haven’t heard anything. Getting kind of worried here…</p>
<p>Got my acceptance today. No email, just snail mail.
Session I or II baby!</p>
<p>Congratulations! We never got any email either. My son will be in session 2.</p>
<p>Link to the SLS Facebook page, if anyone is interested:</p>
<p>[USMA</a> SLS 2009 | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook”>Facebook)</p>
<p>thanks marciemi. Ill probably see your son at session 2 because i dont want to miss our playoffs for baseball.</p>
<p>I didn’t get into SLS, but I got in to USNA & USAFA SS. So I am happy, plus I have already visited Westpoint</p>