<p>my class is less than 30 students</p>
<p>this is such a small highschool</p>
<p>I`m making excellent GPA since school let me take a bunch of AP classes at nearby Coummunity college and online classes. </p>
<p>but I wonder if college care what school i graduate.</p>
<p>No I doubt it. There are tens of thousands of applicants and nearly as many high schools.</p>
<p>Wow! That Is small! My daughter’s small Christian school had a class of 89; their largest ever! It seems since many schools judge your achievements in context, it CAN be a plus. For example, you went outside of what’s available to you, to get a rigorous curriculum. OTOH, it limits your perspective some, in that you can THINK your a big deal, but don’t know it’s only in your small pond. I think it’s important to be aware of your preparation. While context can help get you in, you want to succeed once your there. AP scores might be one way to measure that.</p>