Small misspelling in my essay

So for one of my essays I wrote i instead of I. It’s already submitted and I don’t think it would be wise to contact them, but do you think top schools would be pedantic enough to count that against me? I have no spellcheck on Word so it didn’t autocorrect for me.

I mean it certainly isn’t a plus. It probably looks to them as you did not put enough effort into editing and revising. That being said, it is not the end of the world and it is out of your hands now anyway. Don’t fret it too much! Good luck!

Whenever I see an error like that, I think that it’s so minor and just shrug right past it. HOWEVER, the moment I see YOUR instead of YOU’RE, LOOSE instead of LOSE, THERE instead of THEIR or THEY’RE, IT’S instead ot ITS, ALOT instead of A LOT, or the worst, DEFINATELY, I immediately think you’re an idiot. Well, not that strong a feeling, but it is still a HUGE put-off.

“i” is obviously a typo - not perfect, but it doesn’t brand you in a negative way the way these other common mistakes do.