Small mistake on UC app?

Please help me out!

I recently submitted my UC App but noticed that my eighth grade course may be inaccurate. I inputted that I took Mathematics I, but it turns out my course may have been Math 8 Honors; a course with a similar curriculum/same topics, but for 8th graders if that makes sense. I put Math I only because I thought it’d make sense, since I was able to go straight to Math 2 Honors my freshman year.

Is it detrimental to my application? Will all school reject me / discard my application? Everything else in my application is accurate and okay except possibly my 8th grade course. Do they verify middle school transcripts? Should I contact the schools regarding this change?

I’m seriously scared and worried. Please be honest with me. Thank you so much.

If you listed Math 1 for 8th grade, then what was your HS Math sequence listed on your UC application? Your academic record should be as accurate as possible.

Did you start with Math 2 II Freshman year?

I would still send a correction to UC admissions just to be safe. Save any documentation you receive back.

Yes, my math sequence for high school was:

Freshman: Math II Honors
Sophomore: Math III Honors
Junior: Pre-Calculus Honors
Senior: AP Calculus AB

I’ll definitely send a correction to be safe. Thank you so much. But in complete brutal honesty/truth will this lower my admissions chances for putting an inaccurate 8th grade course?

No this mistake will not lower your chances.