Smile and nod

Those are all solid reasons for not wanting to be a doctor!

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Your post reminded me of my D23’s nursery school graduation. When the kids got up to the stage to receive their diplomas, each told the audience what they wanted to be when they grew up. Most wanted to be a princess or fireman or something along that line. When my daughter got up to the stage, she announced unexpectedly that she wanted to be a nurse. When I questioned her afterwards why she wanted to be a nurse, she said it was because the nurses gave the patients their shots. I don’t know if she was being sadistic but she hated shots so I think she assumed she wouldn’t have to get them. No nursing aspirations since. Thirteen years later, she’s only applied to film schools.


I made this mistake years ago at a gathering and the guy who went to the University of Penn tried to make me feel stupid about it. I didn’t. I knew tons of people at Penn State and my interactions ( this was back in my college days) with University of Penn students were that they were obnoxious- he just reaffirmed it.

My son wanted to be a “shopkeeper” because they have all the “stuff.”


I wanted to be a nun so I could wear a habit and write on the blackboard.


Not so you could go to the top of a mountain and sing?


My Irish Catholic mom was a novice, she loved the sound of music and didn’t want to be a teacher (another acceptable profession for a young lady, her sister became a teacher). Fortunately she changed her mind and ditched the habit.


My D was quite mad at me when I just smiled and nodded as my S told me he was going to be a Power Ranger when he grew up. I assured her that he would find another occupation that interested him before he grew up (he did).

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We are going to visit my MIL this weekend. My husband’s sister and husband live nearby and we will be staying with them. I’m quite sure I will be doing a LOT of smiling and nodding!!