Smith Hall

<p>Hi, wondering about Smith Hall? Have read that there are quite a few upper classmen but also want to know what the party scene there is like and general atmosphere - any first hand experiences would be great! thanks x</p>

<p>Smith is top-notch from a facilities standpoint. The rooms are grouped in pods and the pods share a bathroom. IMHO Smith tends to have a bunch of clickes. There are many upper classman that chose to live in a pod in Smith and they tend to ignore everyone else. Don’t misunderstand my comments: Smith is an excellent building, the rooms are HUGE compared to every other dorm I’ve visited. The upper classroom aren’t rude to Freshman…everyone is nice…but it seems like most of them already have their friends and just want to hang with them. If you’re looking for something super social, Sellery and Witte are the way to go. The rooms are tiny, 50 kids on a floor…typically all Freshman. You can always find groups going to study, eat, party, State street, etc.</p>