Incoming Freshmen, Is Smith Hall a good choice for Freshmen?

I’ve recently gotten my room assignment for UW and it says I will most likely be assigned to Smith Hall! I have no information on my room and roommate(s) yet but I just wanted to ask if anyone has any info on the amount of freshmen in this hall? Is there a majority upperclassmen or would you say there is a good amount of freshmen assigned here usually? It was in more of my top choices but not my number one. I’m worried about being more isolated as a freshmen due to all the posts about smith being majority upperclassmen. What is the scene here usually for freshmen and as a hall overall? Any info would be appreciated!

I also wanted to ask if there is anyone in a triple in this hall? I am interested in a triple because of the low rate and the nicer facilities in smith/dejope. How likely are freshmen to get a triple? And how likely is freshmen mixed into a dorm with an upperclassmen at Madison?

I know this is a lot lol but I just wanted to get a little more dirt from students themselves, thanks!