SMU 2022 Spring admit

Makes sense if we got offered Blinn it would be a no brainer, but we weren’t. She’s very lucky. My majors psychology and forensics got pre-med at Baylor which is the best choice for pre-med but we’ll see. Have you visited Smu? We’re going April 23.

We live in the DFW area, so we’ve visited in the past but not recently. My daughter hasn’t visited TT or Wake either. I know several people who went to SMU and they enjoyed it. The campus is in a nice part of Dallas and the school has a strong local reputation. Not sure if it has a strong national reputation though. It is known for being preppy and many students join frats/sororities. I wanted my daughter to apply to Baylor too, but she said it’s too conservative and religious :roll_eyes: She just judges schools by what her friends think. I know this is normal for teens but it is so annoying for us parents.

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We fear Baylor for the same reasons. We are not religious at all and liberal. Great school but forced religious classes and chapel first year are not positives for us. I know it’s only a year but I worry about finding “my people”.

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A lot of people love TT campus but some say Lubbock is the pits.

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Yes, I hear that about Lubbock too. But College Station isn’t really any great shakes either. As for Baylor - you will find your people. I think students are scared off by some school’s stereotypes, which are often outdated.

Agree, the SMU stereotype isn’t my cup of tea either. I don’t buy into the pompous ■■■■■■■■ at all. We have money, big house, nice cars but I love to thrift shop :slight_smile: and won’t pay retail to save my life. Straight to sale rack. It’s my moms fault. I’m a jeans or leggings and white tshirt person.

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But Smu definitely has best location. Lubbock, Waco and College Station are all not great. And no good airport options

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SMU’s location is definitely the best (by far!), but there’s something to be said about a college located in the middle of nowhere - it forces the students to form a tight bond. I’ve been researching SMU more today and I’m starting to get nervous that it might not be a good fit. Apparently, the Greek system is strong, which we knew, but it might be over the top. I read on another thread that some moms flew in for two weeks to be near their daughters during the “stressful” pledge process :astonished: My daughter is more of a thrift-store shopping, laidback sort of kid too. I’m hopeful she’ll find her niche wherever she goes.

We should introduce them if we decide on Smu. It’s so hard, this is the next 4+ years of their lives.

Definitely over the top, I checked out a few of the sorority’s IG pages…all blonde, skinny, name brands is all I saw. I am sure they are not all like that but that’s all I saw.

Some of what you hear is true and it would be about how she would find her people. Saying the Greek system is strong is an understatement. I’m telling you it is brutal any way you slice it and beyond prominent on campus, particularly their 1st 2 years. Not sure about the mom stories but it would not surprise me at all. What other options may she consider ? The school is beautiful. easy to get to, great size and academically strong. It is NOT laid back.

Smu or Baylor are her only options. When you say “not laid back” what do you mean?

Here’s a string from the USC site about Spring admission. They appear to enroll about 6x what SMU does but the programs are very similar with robust study abroad options and suggestion to attend college at local CC to save $ or take time off.

A friend’s son is an SMU spring admit. He’s considering SMU and a Big 10 school for business.

In terms of sorority life, the 2020 SMU common data set indicates that 35% of undergrad females are part of a sorority. 26% of males are in frats. Some sororities are more homogeneous than others. Some moms probably do to Dallas for some of rush week. It’s likely that the mom was in a sorority and being a part of a sorority is a big deal to the daughter as well. That’s not a prevalent move.

Rush is in the spring and maybe half of the girls go through it. Some are just curious and drop along the way. My daughter went into college not thinking that she would join one but found it to be a fun thing. She has many female friends that aren’t in sororities. My S22 is considering SMU and says he won’t join a frat.

I suspect that Greek participation is higher in some colleges than others. I’d guess that Cox is higher than average and Lyle (Engineering) is lower than average. Dedman College (pre-med and psychology) may be average to below average. In terms of being laid back, I suspect it’s more laid back than some peer schools not in the Southwest and less so than liberal arts colleges or those that aren’t as career or grad school focused. I’d also suspect that competitive large state schools wouldn’t be particularly laid back because you have to stay on top of things to progress through the system. Like anywhere, some of chiller about the process than others.

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Has any Spring admit received financial aid information yet?

Nothing here yet. They said by the 9th so Friday hopefully

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Anyone get their FA package today?

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I haven’t yet

Nada aqui

Did anyone else’s login page now have a pull down tab where you can switch between Fall application status and Spring application status? Mine now shows this.


yes, mine does. I have no clue what it means though

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