SMU 2022 Spring admit

Me neither

Mine says Spring 2022 transfer application, is that the same for you?

It’s all happening NOW!!! Checked my portal 5 times in last 5 minutes and notifications keep changing, let’s share when we get our final status

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There is an official Spring admission letter on the portal now, but no financial aid info. My daughter can see the fall application and spring application too. The fall application status update just mentions the spring admit offer.

The portal only showed address info under Spring application earlier today. The letter was recently added. We just hope FA info is added soon. We’re headed out soon, so we might have to check again tomorrow for FA info.

Same here YaYa. Let’s keep each other poster

I was admitted to London and checklist says you will see financial aid after you pay deposit

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Was London your only choice??? We chose London, gap and community college

I had London and Guest Student at domestic school as top choices. I’m not clear when you accept the offer if you are accepting London and Spring admit.

Does it show the financial aid offer for anyone?

Nope. No financial aid offer shown for my daughter so far. I really hope they don’t expect a deposit before revealing financial aid. FA would let us know if we can even afford SMU. So how can we put down a deposit before knowing this?

They said financial aid would also be out by the 9th in the Spring admissions letter. Like they would come together. I will email my counselor manana. Did anyone hear of any aid today the 9th?

There was no mention of a financial aid award in my daughter’s Spring admissions letter, other than stating that we should apply for financial aid if needed. I assumed this was just a generic line on the letter. At least I hope so! We applied for financial aid months ago.

Frustrating!!! We are all just trying to get the whole picture

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Ok to be clear no one had financial aid information at all correct???


No FA info for my daughter. Just the Spring admit letter.

Has anyone heard there financial aid offer or talked to admissions to see when it will come out?

Same boat, Son is a spring admit and just got the letter about acceptance to the London fall program, but no aid information. Down to the final 4 schools and this is the last school to give aid info.

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I am calling my admissions counselor tomorrow and financial aid person and will let everyone know what they say.

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I emailed SMU about when I should receive financial aid and this is what he said:
“I was informed that you are part of program where, as a Spring 2022 start, your awards will be made available much more in advance. A specific date has not been given, however. There’s also a need for Admissions to have you entered into the system.”

BTW I submitted all of my forms and everything on time. I’m a spring admit and have been offered a semester in Switzerland to study for the fall…