Snow Day!!!

<p>20+ inches here... 26" in some areas. No school tomorrow.</p>

<p>...too bad :-D NOT!!!</p>

<p>Take care everyone! Be safe! :-)</p>

<p>today it was 84 degrees. last week it averaged around 92-94. i am SICK of the heat. i went to the local mountains last weekend to snowboard and more than 75% of the snow was was 50 degrees at the summit of a 9,000 ft. mountain...i was in my t-shirt.</p>

<p>Wheeeeeeee! Nearly 12 inches here in good old DC. No school! (Unfortunately my valentine won't be able to order my roses :( )</p>

<p>I wish I lived somewhere that had plenty of snow in the winter.</p>

I wish I lived somewhere that had plenty of snow in the winter.


<p>I do and I've never had a snow day. Icing rain, extreme cold or extreme cold with blowing snow are the only things that could close schools. Snow by itself, never closed anything (even 20 inches in one night wouldn't do it, but that only happened once in my memory, but mind you single snowfalls of 12 inches + only happen 1-3 times a year). Now that I'm in Montreal, snow by itself can close anything up to high school, but only the ice storm of 98 made universities (and most of the city) close for a little over a week.</p>

<p>we have about 10 inches and counting in southern WV. it stinks for me though because i live in the middle of nowhere, stuck with nothing to do. i'm going to go make an igloo.</p>

<p>Haha.. sounds fun. I'd join ya if I didn't live so far away. Then again. I live in NY! Haha... in the hustling, bustling, snow-covered.......... suburbs :( LOL</p>