So how exactly do I factor in the Honors credit in my UC GPA

<p>I am a resident of California, and I’ve checked which of the classes I’ve taken in the past are UC approved for Honors credit. </p>

<p>Now when I calculate my GPA on here:<a href=“[/url]”></a>,</p>

<p>Do I put in 1 honors credit for each SEMESTER of an honors-approved class that I’ve taken (and passed)? Or is it one honors credit per YEAR of each honors-approved class that I’ve taken?</p>

<p>If I was completely inarticulate in the previous paragraph, then I’ll try giving an example:</p>

<p>I’m taking APUSH this year and I’m going to pass both semesters. When I calculate my GPA on the program above, do I put two honors credit for this one APUSH class, or one honors credit?</p>

<p>Your UC GPA is capped at 8 SEMESTER honors/ap points. So in essence your honors credit will be for each SEMESTER, but your UC GPA is capped at 8 ap/honors points.</p>

<p>i.e. APUSH + an Honor course = 4 bonus points.</p>

<p>There is an extra point for each semester of UC-approved honors, IB, AP, or CCC course. You would add up all the grade points and divide them by the number of total semesters of your a-g courses.</p>

<p>The 8-semester cap is for determining UC-eligibility only. Berkeley and UCLA use fully weighted GPA for application evaluation. The rest of the UCs often cap the GPA at 4.5 (chopped off at 4.5 if the GPA exceeds that).</p>