So I was unable to get an interview because they were all booked.

<p>How badly does this affect my application?</p>

<p>Not at all. My son lives in the area and didn’t even asked for an interview and got in.</p>

<p>I didn’t request for an interview but I got a call about it. I rejected the interview because the timing was so bad but I still got in.</p>

<p>I requested one, and was not offered one. I got in.</p>

<p>And I live, it turns about, about 15 minutes from the State Alumni Association’s President’s house.</p>

<p>The Northwestern Interview is completely informational and has absolutely no effect on your application. It’s good to show interest, but i don’ think the interviewer will report back to NU on what you said, it’s more to inform you about the school and answer any questions you may have.</p>

<p>Shouldn’t affect you. I also think NU weights a campus visit/overnight more than an interview, which is informal.</p>

<p>i get this message:
“Sorry, there are currently no interviews scheduled in your area. Please continue checking back every few days as new interviews are scheduled frequently and your area may have new interviews scheduled soon.”
when i logon to the interview website</p>

<p>yet there are kids at my school and city who have already been interviewed… so…</p>

<p>eh well i think at least my interviewer made a report about me since she was taking notes practically the entire time i spoke to her… and she had this official form, probably to put on file for the Alumni association</p>

<p>or maybe she doesnt report anything at all to the school, it’s just some courtesy thing :P</p>

<p>either way, i’ve heard for the most part interviews do very little</p>