<p>do you have a less chance of getting in? approximately how many people get likely letters? are likely letters mainly for NMF?</p>
<p>Likely letters are usually reserved for the very tip-top of their applicant pool, i.e. those that will get accepted into many other schools, some of which may be ranked higher than Rice (such as ivies, etc.) The letters are sent out early in order to get the recipients excited about Rice/less likely to enroll elsewhere. In other words, it helps to make sure that their top applicants will end up enrolling at Rice. So your chances are not reduced, and likely letters are not dependent upon NMF (I am nmf and didnt get a letter). Sorry if that was long-winded/confusing</p>
<p>If we didn’t get one does that mean we won’t get merit aid? I just didn’t apply to many top places besides Rice and WashU but I would consider myself a strong applicant. I also attended Vision.</p>
<p>I’ve always had the idea that people who are getting likely letters/Vision 09 are URM.</p>
<p>Likely letters are sent to those who would get into many other better schools… so as an likely-less applicant I guess that means I have a very low chance of getting into any other schools T_T</p>
<p>Don’t fret about the likely letters. I didn’t get one and I am a happy Rice student.</p>