So is AP Stats Easy?

<p>Going by posts from this board, it seems like AP Stats isn't that hard of a class. As a rising Junior who just completed Algebra 2, do you think I have had enough preparation? Or would you recommend diving deeper into math, like taking Trig and/or Pre-Calculus before AP Stats?</p>

<p>You'll be perfectly fine with just Algebra 2. It really depends on your teacher how hard the actual class will be, but as long as you have a decent enough teacher the test is pretty damn easy.
I took it soph year after doing Alg 2 frosh year and I got a 5</p>

<p>I'm a rising Junior also and I'll be taking AP Stats and Pre-Calc next year.</p>

<p>I also heard that stats is really easy.</p>

<p>I took stats, and if I could get an A and pass the AP Test, then its easy. I didn't fair too well in Pre-calc.</p>

<p>it's easy... pre-cal is harder... but then again pre-cal is just algebra II again almost... u will have no trouble wit ap stat</p>

<p>Hopefully my Counselor will let me take AP Stats then...when we were choosing our classes for next year, I wrote down Pre-Calc as one of my courses, which he then scratched because he said that Trig comes after Algebra 2. On the contrary, my Algebra 2 teacher said Pre-Calc, AP Stats, or Trig can be taken right after Algebra 2. So, yeah, maybe I'll try to adjust my schedule once we find out our classes, and mention what the teacher said.</p>

<p>I'm kind of trying to avoid Trig though...I hear it is difficult and I didn't do too well in Geometry...</p>

<p>I would definitely recommend taking precalc instead of Stat.
While Stat is a great course, precalc is one of the basic courses most colleges look for. If you can, you should try to take precalc and stat at the same time</p>

<p>So is Pre-Calc really all that similar to Algebra 2?</p>

<p>does anyone know if AP courses can be completed online
seperate from school,
OR do you have to take each and every course through your

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>its easy as long as you don't get a crazy smart teacher that expects you to know everything. my stats class was extremely hard. Our teacher wrote the first AP stats test, and is a collegeboard AP consultant and has his own textbook</p>

<p>the whole class is basically filled with people that are done with calc bc , with people going to caltech, uPenn, Stanford and lots of berkeleys. only 3 got borderline A's</p>

<p>but chances are you aren't gonna get a hard teacher since it is generally for people that think they won't do well in calc APs (or people that finished everything and is too lazy to take classes at community college)
the material isn't hard</p>

<p>the math ability required for AP Stats is really only Alg I, but CB recommends Alg II so it eliminates the weaker math students and some problems are more conceptual. For the college-bound, Pre-calc/trig is more highly recommended.</p>

<p>To rainynightstarz,
You don't need to take the class at all, just study the material on your own and sit for the test.</p>

<p>Many juniors at my school take both Precalc and AP Stats together and end up doing well in it.</p>

<p>My school runs on block scheduling and AP Stats is a second semester course. If it starts in Feb, would I be able to prepare for the AP Stats exam? Or is it too much cramming? How is the AP Stats exam, by the way?</p>

<p>I took AP Stats as a sophomore. The course isn't that hard, but tedious at times. To my knowledge, at top colleges, it is recomended that you take one year of calculus. So if by taking AP Stats prevents you from taking a calculus class, don't take it.</p>

<p>BTW, I am still waiting for my test scores. Hopefully I get a 5 tho.</p>

<p>I took AP stats soph year while also taking Algebra II, and that wasn't a problem at all.</p>

<p>^ Did you get an A?</p>

<p>to nervousmommy: its not that i want to take the AP test, i needed a math class cuz i finished calc BC as a sophomore, but i didn't have rides to go to community college for math classes
however i am glad i took it, the teacher is really smart and i know i am going to get an REALLY REALLY great rec . the last person that got an A in his class as a junior and got a rec from him, got into princeton, stanford, caltech and all the UCs</p>

<p>ap stats is easy in math, heavy on concept.
the concept to be honest is really easy too, but of course, depending on the person some may find it hard.
so it's mostly about the concept, but the math is just algebra</p>

<p>college board suggests that students take AP stats and Pre-calculus concurrently.....that's what i'm doing, but i have to self-study AP Stats b/c my school doesn't offer anywho...</p>