So my grades dropped pretty badly in two of my classes, what to do?

So I have been a straight all A/A- student so far in highschool with rigorous courseload and have been doing fine.

However, I got really sick which caused me to miss a lot of school within the past couple weeks, and have resulted in a dramatic downfall in two of my class grades. AP Stat and AP Lit.

Grades might end up being D(Or C-) for both of these classes. Other classes wasn’t majorly affected (Since it’s not a lot of work I missed, but tests and quizzes which I was able to make up easily).

Does VTech look at my 3rd quarter grades and ask me about why they have dropped? Will I get rescinded immediately? Or is it the final year report. I am not worried about final yr report as I am 100% positive I can get A in those classes during the 4th quarter.
For other infos, yes senioritis has gotten to me but I am still maintainng A- / B+ In physics C and multivari calc, and A- in my other classes such as AP Macro/micro and A In AP Gov.
Thank you in advance.

The easiest thing for you to do first would be to check what your high school will send to Tech as your final transcript. When I was in high school in Virginia Beach, our transcripts only contained first semester, midterm exam, second semester, final exam, and overall final grades.

If you find out that your transcripts will not have your quarter grades, then do as much as possible in the 4th quarter to make sure your second semester and final grades are over a C.

If your final transcript will have quarter grades on it, you should still do the above, but also contact admissions. If you’re proactive and explain your illness, then back it up with 4th quarter grades that are in line with the grades that you applied with, you probably won’t have an issue.

PS This is unrelated - someone is probably going to say this to you at some point, but most current/recent students really don’t like when VTech (Vee-Tech) or VA Tech (Vah-Tech) are used.

@financiallylost …" but most current/recent students really don’t like when VTech (Vee-Tech) or VA Tech (Vah-Tech) are used. "

Sorry, I’m genuinely drawing a blank. What are we supposed to call it? I remember when it was “Virginia Polytechnic Institute.” What are we supposed to say?

OP, can you go to the teachers in the affected classes and try for extra credit? Sometimes if it’s been an excused absence they will let you make it up. I’ve seen several seniors have this panic in the past and it has been said a couple of D’s won’t rescind you. Mainly criminal arrests and “F’s” will do it. Good luck.

I’d bring my grades up ASAP if I were you.

Not to scare you or anything, but I’ve known a few people who’ve had their offers rescinded over a couple D’s.

@OspreyCV22 Students now just say Tech, Virginia Tech, or VT. I know older alumni (pre 2000s maybe?) and locals used to say VTech but for some reason lots of people now correct people.

I live in VA so Tech is Tech. But in Texas and Georgia, Tech is their Tech. I don’t want use the wrong nickname and offend someone (admissions.)

Check this vintage VPI decal and be grateful the teams are no longer called “The Fighting Gobblers.” I’m going to get one of these if my son ends up there:

Around here, VTEC is the engine in our Honda Odyssey. We usually call the school “Virginia Tech” when speaking and “VT” when writing.