<p>Summary: Desperate grad looking for a career in advertising. I've seen the 2010 schedule, and can't help but marvel at the vast amount of advertising agencies all over the event.</p>
<p>Is there any way I could get access or 'sneak in'? If I knew someone who went to NYU, is that enough? I'll be there early: Do employers hang out somewhere around the campus before the event?</p>
<p>To get into an NYU building, he would have to register you with NYU Public Safety in advance; although that’s only usually allowed for students who live in dorms – so, if your friend doesn’t dorm, they may not allow it.</p>
<p>Secondly, if Stern is hosting the event, they may be checking names or ID cards to enter the event. I have no idea if they will be though.</p>
<p>Wow…really? Is security in NYU tight or something? In my school, anyone can walk into any building whenever they feel like…unless its a dorm or on-campus apartment, obviously.</p>
<p>Yes. Only NYU students have access to NYU buildings. Every entrance to NYU buildings has a guard stationed by it who checks every student for an NYU ID. Because NYU is in the middle of NYC, they take student security very seriously – and that’s why NYU has one of the safest campuses in the county. </p>
<p>For dorms, students must swipe their card then enter their code into a punch pad in order to gain access.</p>
<p>Students who do not live in NYU housing must be signed into a dorm by someone who lives there.</p>
<p>It’s pretty easy to sign in guests for buildings as long as you’re with an NYU student though. However, I’m not sure if these events will have an extra blanket of security… Also, is the NYU student you know of willing to risk taking you in with him?</p>
<p>yeah…tried getting into the building early before the event. Pretty much looked at me like a serial killer even though I had fancy pants and a college ID. Had to run away before making a scene of myself, lol. Really glad I didn’t bother bringing my suit and getting it tailored.</p>
<p>Its so weird there’s so much security in NYU. Even in Columbia (my mom works there), except for the fitness area and dorm apartments, there’s practically no security on-campus. I’ve entered countless buildings back in High School…especially the law building (since she works there). Never was I stopped from entering and asked for ID. </p>
<p>Its like the gestapo over there. I would hate to go to a school with that much security…</p>
<p>Now one more question: Is there ANY way to at least access the listings of who was there, or someone can copy/paste it from their careers database (probably in NACE since almost everyone uses it) and send it to me somehow? </p>
<p>I just want to know who is hiring, since there’s really hundreds of ad agencies, and its hard to know who is looking for new recruits. I really don’t mind calling their HR departments and asking them, which is as good as going to a career fair…</p>