<p>As a junior I will be on track to take 7 AP classes (been taking 'em since freshman year((APWH, 5)). I've gotton fives on all so far, and my jr. schedule is:</p>
span 3H
Ap Gov/Ap Econ (1 semester)
AP english 11 (whatever it's actual name is, literature or something)
Ap Calc AB (Taking honors precalc now,geometry honors as freshman, alg2h as 8th grader)
Ap Psych
and Honors Physics.</p>
<p>I think it is definitely achievable for me to get 4s or 5s on all, but if I study for one more, like AP human geography (I'm choosing that bc. it is the easiest) and get a 4 or 5, then I will have 8 and became a "National Ap scholar" instead of a crummy little "AP Scholar with Distinctions" <em>sarcasm</em>. So, whaddaya think, is it worth it? Studying for human really won't be that difficult, I don't think.</p>
<p>I guess your answer depends on the exact amount of prestige that an AP award gives you in terms of college apps. And I'll most definitively become a National Ap scholar by the end of senior year, but that is too late too put on college apps, amirite?</p>
<p>So what prestige does each award carry, and is my plan going to be worth it?</p>
<p>The award is nice on an app as it confirms your scores as 4s/5s vs self reporting. Your transcript already has your classes listed so this is confirming you took the exam. AP Human Geo is considered the easiest of APs and most schools don’t give credit. You’re not going to get a lot of mileage out of it. It may be fairly apparent if that’s the only one you self studied that you did it simply for the award. It wont hurt you, but you may not get the reaction you’re looking for. </p>
<p>Congratulations on such a great record so far, and best of luck!!</p>
<p>So I took one AP, computer science, my freshman year and got a 4 and three last year, Latin Vergil, Stats and World History, and got all 5s. But I only got the regular AP Scholar award. Are the awards cumulative or not?</p>
<p>They’re cumulative. Contact AP Services (you can find their info if you Google “AP Services”) and tell them about it. Chances are, your information from freshman year didn’t get merged with your sophomore year record.</p>
<p>Yeah, I remember from when we registered in freshman year that you need to write the exact same info every year, maybe you wrote “John A. Smith” one year and “John Smith” another year, or something else similar.</p>