so whaddya think??

<p>hey!! i'm from bangladesh, aaa hopin i do get into college next yr (and on fdull scholarship too!!) it wud be great to find out what u lot think about my chances...</p>

<p>SAT I scores: 2010 (math:650, crit reading:710, writing:650)
i've retaken the test on the december test day...</p>

<p>SAT II scores: 2160 (math IIC :750, phy: 710, chem:700)</p>

<p>my college list...
brown u
columbia u
duke u
trinity coll
vassar coll
grinnell coll
harvard u
bryn mawr coll
carleton coll

<p>as for EC's : i write for a magazine...jus send in articles, not a columnist. iive learnt classical dancing and performed in many shows (many solos, including playing the heroine in a dance drama)...thas abt it...:S:S</p>

<p>What's your GPA & Rank?</p>

<p>well theres no gpa sys at my highschool..but i hav an A in GCE A-Level Math and 2 A's in GCE AS-Level Physics and class ranking is 14th out of 190 students..</p>

<p>No community service?</p>

<p> a member of the community service club at skl. rite now im involved with two projects, one for autistic children, the other for cancer patients. other than that, i volunteer at a school for street children. i took part in rallies, bake sales and stuff for the community service club projects..</p>

<p>Hey I'm from Bangladesh too, nice to meet you!</p>

<p>I think you have good chances at a lot of the unis you mentioned, but it's hard to say anything for certain without more info. What were your O'Level results like for example, and which subjects are you taking for A'Levels? Also a lot will depend on your essays and (to a lesser extent) the recs.</p>

<p>Btw, I'm guessing you write for the rising stars?</p>

<p>ur colleges r 2 high profile 4 u (gues i kno u 2 personally.. hee hee!!)... aim low sweety ( hawward or kala?!?) or else its bak 2 da dumps.. oh well, at least da drains r wide enuf 4 u 2 fit in .... or r dey? ( da apple takes up 2 much space?!!?) :$ wai such confusion? yikes!!</p>

<p>What about A levels?
What's your grade average? A/B/C?
Do you have any leadership positions in that community club?
I think the best thing you should do right now, is to go to the chances threads for your schools, and judge yourself but set the standard higher- as you are an intel.
I was just wondering what you consider a saftey from your list?</p>

<p>you're the first bangladeshi i've seen with a higher CR score than math. i think you have potential. </p>

<p>let me guess, scholastican?</p>

<p>hehe..nope not a scholastican...shud've had a higher math score tho...650 is pretty lame considering all the math we ppl</p>

<p>What’s your safety college? your SAT scores are okay, but don’t go for all top 20 or most competitive colleges, its better if you keep a safety option open…</p>

<p>Hmm. I think by this time, aranya has already attended a college.</p>

<p>You’ve digged up the two-year-old post. LOL</p>


<p>But I’d still like to know where he landed. Aranya, anyone home…?</p>

<p>lolz…oops…I was just searching to see if anyone else was applying from BD…</p>

<p>aranya, You’re chances at liberal arts colleges are pretty good but I don’t think I can say the same thing for Ivey’s (including MIT). The thing is, those colleges just ask for something wayyy beyond ordinary.
Plus, we’re internationals. I don’t mean to say they’re racists but still, he don’t exactly get THAT much preference. Specially, if you are asking for a FULL scholarship.</p>

<p>All the best!</p>

<p>lol… this is the funniest thing ever… cant u guys read???</p>

<p>talha_adnan: this thread was started in 2006!!! wake up guys</p>