So, what do you think of the new board?

I’ve seen the option to jump to the last post but can’t find it on my ipad (which is set to desktop mode). Where is the jump option? The scrolling is a PITA.

@garland yes, it looks active to me, last post shows as yesterday?

How do you tell when you’ve read a thread? They all look the same to me.

Look for the icon that looks like a bell, and set it to “tracking”. You can do that for a single thread or a whole subforum. Then you should see unread counts in a blue circle. I don’t think it’s retroactive, though, just going forward from the time you set it. (Disclaimer - this is for a desktop browser; I haven’t tried it on a mobile device.)

Edit: This was supposed to be a reply to @austinmshauri but it doesn’t look that way when it posted.

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@jym626 I was able to “jump” within a thread on my ipad at some point in the recent past (IIRC you tapped on the thread number over to the right and a window would pop up). However, I noticed a day or two ago, I no longer have that feature. So I am having the same issue with the only option being the endless scroll.

Coming back to say that I still Hate the scrolling issue. It is tremendously unhelpful when looking through long threads to refer back to something I read a bit ago. The scrolling removes the sense of location and the ability to find it again quickly.

One other annoyance, in chrome, control-F takes me to a search within the thread. If I want to find on the page, I have to use the chrome menu instead, and even then it doesn’t exactly do what I want it to. Much prefer the Old ways with pagination, search within the thread, and my Find working as it should. (How dare someone commandeer my control-F.)

You don’t need to scroll if you click on the vertical blue bar for post counts. Just click (top, middle, bottom) and you’ll go straight there without scrolling.

If I try to tap on the post count to the right (eg where it says, for example, 230/249) it goes BACKWARDS and goes to EARLIER posts. That’s not good!

Click, click, click - so much clicking! Feels like so much more effort for so little “benefit”.


Doesn’t work for me on the phone.

I know I’ll get used to all the changes and eventually it’ll feel comfy and welcoming here again.

However, I must be doing something wrong with bookmarks. When I click on my bookmarked threads, they start at the very first post every time. I posted this in Class of 2021, and helpful people told me to go to Latest and find the thread there. But what happens when the threads I like are no longer at the top of the Latest list?

Can other people click on their bookmarks and go to the last post they read? (Like in the old forum.)

Let me see what happens here. I am replying using the only quote feature I have gleaned and that is by highlighting your post and a quote button pops up. Heretofore when I have done this my reply posts but it also takes me to the bottom of the thread.

And it happened again. :frowning_face: So annoying. Now I have to scroll back up and find where I was.

Success! and yes, it will take you to the bottom. So perhaps tagging is a better option? Though certainly more time consuming. I will flag your post to admin, as they might be able to sort this out.

Testing. Using just the reply button, no quoting.

I don’t know how to tag.

@VaBluebird you put the @ in front of the user name, as I have done here.

I flagged your post earlier to admin, hopefully they will be able to fix that issue.

@Lindagaf, thanks.

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I’m pretty sure that if you look at your reply once it’s posted, you’ll see a link in the top right which will you can click on and will take you back to the post. Edited to add. It’s a little up-arrow and it will take you right back. (This is on a lap top - other media may be different.)

If I look at a thread, I seem to lose it. Example. I picked up a thread from Suggested, read the first response. Then realized I hadn’t checked for more. It was no longer in Suggested, back paging took me somewhere else. Not in New. And though I scrolled through Latest, I couldn’t find it.

I understand maybe it was a post from hours before. But at least in the old format, what I’d read was grayed out, no? Or backpaging would go backwards. ?