So, what do you think of the new board?

Why does the header say 84 new posts but I can’t get even 30 to list?

I waited a while to get used to the new format before responding. At first, I didn’t like it…but now, as little things get fixed and I understand how to get to where I want to go more and more, I like it much better than the older formats.


Found it, @O2BonCC. Thank you.

I do like some things. Recently, discovered I can move off a reply and the draft is still there when I return.

But it feels like the many whistles and bells are at the expense of simpler navigating.

I need page numbers, who started a thread. And an easy way to find a thread I read previously. If I didn’t reply, it seems to get lost.


What I think also is that 10 days or so out of the box, this new format has netted hardly any new threads on the cafe. New normal???

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I like it MUCH better than the last update.
It takes time getting used to but that’s to be expected and it makes me want to return much more than the previous iteration.
I use my laptop but I can read on my phone without problem.

Again, now, only 30 threads show under Latest or New (which supposedly has 80+.)

That’s using “All Categories.”

Could someone please check the pinned threads? Some are just regular threads that seem to have gotten pinned in the switchover.

@CC_Mike @CC_Jon

@thumper1 You can unpin anything you want just by clicking on the pin and turning it the other direction.

While this is true, it’s an individual setting. So other users will need to to it themselves.

Could you give me an example? I’ve been trying to remove pins that no longer seem necessary, but I don’t always know. Alternatively, flagging moderators on threads that no longer need to be pinned seems like a good idea.

Just don’t flag any in the MT forum. I have wanted to reduce the 8 million pinned threads there for years, but those ladies are adamant they need them all. LOL


@CC_Jon So why was the Books thread in Parents Cafe suddenly unpinned but the Random Questions thread is still pinned?

I finally figured out how to get the pin back on the Book thread after the new launch, and now I see for some reason it has been deleted again and I no longer have a feature to pin it.

It would have been nice to have a warning for the many who participate in that thread and have always counted on seeing it pinned at the top. I was fortunate to see the posts here above and immediately checked the Books thread, saw it was no longer pinned and was able to bookmark it before it got lost.

Perhaps a moderator could have place a warning on that thread before just suddenly deleting the pin. If someone didn’t like having it pinned, they could have removed it on their personal board rather than have a moderator removing it for the entire Cafe community.


Does anyone know how to set the default view to “Latest” versus “Categories”?

@4kids4us Under Preferences, Interface is an option to “Automatically unpin topics when I reach the bottom.” I can’t imagine why this is on as the default. I haven’t had my pins change since I unchecked this option.

@rhododendron I have that feature unchecked- that is not the issue now. The issue is that the “pinned” thread I am referencing has been unpinned by a moderator so a user is no longer able to have it pinned at all. The feature no longer exists when you go to the thread, only the tracking feature. I have since bookmarked it as that is the only way to find it now.

I’m planning on changing that default.

I think bookmarks are the right way to do this unless there’s some reason for everyone to see the thread pinned. (Or nearly everyone.)

That said, I know we still haven’t restored bookmarks. So maybe it’s better to not unpin things (globally) for the moment. I think it’ll be easier to find discussions you’ve been a part of going forward. The notification features are pretty useful and search is a lot better. But it does take some getting used to.

When I finish reading a thread why am I dumped back into the latest threads many threads above the one I just finished reading? They didn’t all get a new post in the 2 minutes it took me to catch up on the thread I was reading.

And the unread post count isn’t updating. My screen still jumps a lot and the drain on my battery is severe.

Okay, wait. I just read a thread. Hit the back button and was taken back to the last thread I posted on instead of the list of threads. I hit back again and was taken to the page where you enter forums. The inconsistent navigation is frustrating.



Since when do regular members have the ability to pin threads? In the past, this decision was made by folks with a higher pay grade. Perhaps that’s why I’m seeing so many threads pinned…are members being allowed to pin any thread they choose?

If so, I would boldly suggest…members should be bookmarking for their own purposes. Pinned threads should be those chosen by you admins because they are threads you want front and center, usually for informational purposes.


Regular members do not have the ability to pin threads, not now and not before. They did, however, both in the old CC and until today, have the ability to unpin a thread that moderators had pinned. If you do not want to see a thread remain at the top of a category, all you had to do was unpin it yourself and then you no longer have to look at it at the top again. I’m not sure why users can’t continue to do that, rather than take away a thread that apparently was popular enough for the moderators to pin in the old CC.

If we can “just bookmark for our own purposes” then why not apply the same thinking - keep the pinned threads and just continue to allow users to unpin the pinned threads they don’t want to see. People were/are not being forced to keep pinned threads they don’t want.