So, what do you think of the new board?

question about the different settings - seems like several posts that i read get marked tracking - but i didn’t mark them that way. i have marked other posts as tracking and it works - but others just do it on their own or ?

The jumping on the phone is still a problem. When will it be resolved?

Well, it looks like someone Unpinned the Random Questions thread…

There needs to a universal go to end of thread option besides the little number. I decided I wanted to try unpinning a topic I had never read and the post number and little slide did not show up to go to end. Maybe it only shows up on ones you have read? It was a old long one so scrolling just was awful.

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I have been using the blue bar to the right to get to the end of a thread more easily.

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Having been incredibly frustrated trying to get to the end of threads, so that I can read recent activity, I was happy to be made aware of the blue bar (by your post). That kind of says that the blue bar, and the ability to drag to where you guess a post might be, or to the end of the thread, is not very obvious. Most forums I’ve seen have allowed one to switch between old to new, vs new to old, and they have page numbers at the bottom of each page, instead of an endless scroll.

Anyone know how I can change settings so that I don’t get emails alerting me to anyone’s posts responding to me? It wasn’t this way before the switch to the new format.

Phones don’t really have a workable blue bar. You can click the blue post post number box that tells you what post number you’re reading and get it, but it’s so tiny that it’s impossible to use.


Yes - go to bottom of post - you will see a little blue bell icon and a drop down box - click and change your notification. Several options with descriptions like Watching, Tracking, Ignore.

I’m thankful for those of you who stick around while they work on tweaking (and outright fixing) the new board.


This may help. I’ve found several of the posts under FAQ to solve some of my challenges. :slight_smile:

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Not only you can use the blue scroll bar to move around in a thread, you may find it even quicker to move to the end of the thread by clicking (or tapping) on the time indicator just below the blue scroll bar (no scrolling). Similarly, you can also move to the top of the thread by clicking (or tapping) on the date/time indicator just above the scroll bar.

If you go into your Preferences and then click on Notifications you can “Automatically track topics I enter” through the dropdown box (i.e. never, after 1 minute, after 4 minutes, after 10 minutes, etc)

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Continuing the discussion from So, what do you think of the new board?:

Hi all! With the new website, when I use my iPad, it jumps around all the time! I’ll be reading a post and it will automatically scroll up or down and I have to find my position again. It’s pretty un-usable. However, on my desktop this isn’t happening. It never used to happen on the iPad. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance!!

When I use the scroll bar on my android cell, it often takes me right to where I was, not where I hoped to land. That’s one of the issues with so many different devices among us. What works for one isn’t necessarily the fix for others.

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@CC_Jon Can you post on the progress of excessive ads? I posted before on this topic, but it is only getting worse. I’ve currently been on the board about 10 minutes, and my ad blocker says over 1700!!! (while the PC is loudly complaining). I honestly would not mind a few ads, which I assume the CC board would prefer as well. But there’s no way I want now 1730 ads downloading!

I agree. It’s ridiculous and we’ve clearly misconfigured our ads. We’re testing now on our test site and I’m hoping to get a fix in production soon. I hate to promise a specific time because I don’t know what might come up. I’ll pass on your feedback though.

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I think the idea is that pinned threads are mostly for new users who need some help to get started. Once they’ve read through the thread, it gets unpinned since they have seen the information. But that isn’t how pinned threads are used here. So I changed the default . Now pinned topics stay pinned until you explicitly take that action. (Or, people can still turn on the auto unpinning if they prefer.)

I think I love you. :smiley:


Am I the only that misses pages? It was much easier for me to find an old response, keep track of them. I’m not crazy about that slide and all the scrolling.