So, what do you think of the new board?

I’m the opposite…I find I’m looking at MORE threads than I did before.



I guess I’m senior :slight_smile:


Well, that’s fun.

Oh, that’s great! We can finally attach photos! Good update for sure.

How do I find out my status? If I see the picture icon at the top of the reply box, does that mean I have it? I use my iPad, no pictures to try out right now.

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@CC_Jon I’ve been waiting to see what issues are truly problematic.

I primarily use an iPad for CC. The page jumps are extremely annoying. The jumps occur every time a new ad is loaded, which is several times a minute. When the page jumps, my screen moves to a different post. It is annoying and confusing to constantly have to scroll back to where I was reading, especially when I have to do it several times per minute. It’s taking too long to read threads and it’s off putting.

Scrolling down or up the thread also makes the screen jump and it’s confusing trying to figure out where you are. I really think it would be useful to number the posts, instead of having the number in the scroll bar. It’s guess work trying to figure out which number on the scroll bar equates to which post.

I think the flag option needs to be much more obvious. Not everyone is going to instinctively click on the three dots when they want to flag something.

I see that the layout of the forum homepage is being addressed in another post. I miss anything visual. I liked seeing a few photos to highlight the most recent AMA or featured article.

I also thought it was useful to feature user threads for a week or whatever. Lost of users posts thought provoking threads that deserve a wider audience. I think that’s gone now?

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I still can’t use this site on my iPad for many of the reasons others have listed and, if I try to Reply, the app exits. So, I keep up with threads through the e-mail notices. I’m here much less because I have to use DH’s office desktop if I actually want to go to the site.

I had to go back to desktop view on my iphone this morning. The mobile view was cutting off the left half of the screen. Also still having trouble with the reply button being covered by the thread numbers and the screen jumping around.

Without a good way to access this site from my phone, my usage continues to be way down.

@conmama, yes I think if you have the picture icon you should be able to post a photo! Maybe I’ll bump up theDressing Younger thread - photos could be helpful there!

Cool! Love the photo option. It also provides a nice visual break. (Also thought CCadminMike might appreciate a positive on this thread :grinning:).

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Just had to try it.


So weird. I solely use an iPad to access this site, and I’m not having the same issues as others.

BUT I do wish there was a way for folks who want their Profile to be private but still want messages to be able to be messaged directly from their screenname on a post.

How hard would it be to put a question saying “do you want to receive PMs”…yes or no. @CC_Jon


I am not having iPad issues either.

Agree about being able to send PMs. But also, what’s really wrong with seeing another’s posting history? It can offer background- and not like we’re exposing trade secrets. Our history is what it is.

Do want to know who started a thread. It allows me to filter. And/or recognize a poster I’m interested in reading.

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I wonder if some of the issuers are how updated devices are. One iPad may be totally updated, another not or an older model. That sort of thing.

So there is no way to send a PM?

@rockymtnhigh2 yes you can send PMs. You go to the little PM envelope icon and hit new message.

My issue is…in the past, it’s been easy to send PMs to folks by simply clicking their screen name on a post they have posted. Now, if their profile is private, you can’t send PMs that way even though you can do so by going to the PM icon.

I don’t understand why there isn’t a way to have posters indicate they want PMs via hitting their screenname.

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I don’t see a little PM envelope icon. Not on Android cell or tablet. Where is it?