So, what do you think of the new board?

If you click the user’s name (who you want to PM), a box with their profile should pop up, then there is a blue message box in the upper right of that box with an envelope icon that says ‘message’.

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I now get “spam” little-blue-circle, with a number in the middle, notifications of new posts on threads I never read nor have any interest in. It’s as if there’s an algorithm trying to get me to click on these threads. I reject the idea that the site should spam me with blue circles, with a number in the middle, for threads I don’t care about.

Last week, I wanted to PM austinmshauri and when I click on the name, there is no message icon. Looked at it again just now, No icon. Just the message that the profile is private.

@Mwfan1921 that box does NOT pop up if the person has set their profile to Private.


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@lookingforward I’m using an iPad. For me, in the upper right corner, there is my little teeny avatar. I click on that and I get a little bar that has messages (envelope) and bookmarks (a little book mark thing).

Click on the little envelope thing. Then click on it a second time. You will get a “new message” spot.

Ok. Thanks. thumper. I needed multiple clicks on the envelope icon to get to the page you refer to. Sure seems hidden, to me. I have not tested it.

Try me @lookingforward

Speaking of little teeny avatar pics. Really…what is the point of those teeny teeny totally unrecognizable avatar pics next to the threads. I know they indicate who posted recently…or that is the intent. BUT they are so small they are not at all recognizable. I can’t even recognize my own!

These have to be taking up unnecessary data bandwidth. I would suggest ditching them completely since their use is nothing.

@CC_Jon @CC_Mike


But thumper, you’re not set to private. :blush:

Speaking of the small circles-- you have to know what a person’s avatar is, to recognize. (And who knows more than a few? Not to mention, so many are just letters.) So ok, ski has the skier, a simple crisp pic. But ther rest?? I end up clicking on them to see who it is.

In the past, if I knew who started a thread and who was the last poster, I had an idea of my innterest. The title alone is not enough to guage.

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Adding to my vents about the teeny tiny avatars…I discovered today that if I tap on the number next to the little heart, the avatars of others who also have liked the post appear.

Totally totally useless. I don’t have everyone’s avatars memorized, and these are way too small to distinguish whose they are anyway!


Today I started using the board on my iPhone - so far it’s smooth —-but I really prefer to use my laptop or desktop when working! (Working and taking a break…).


I just realized that when a user edits their text after posting, everyone else can read the unedited post by clicking on the colored pen. Yikes, I don’t think I like that feature.


Hmmm that’s a good catch @4kids4us . I’ll speak to the powers that be to see if we can restrict this to staff members only. No one needs to see just how bad my grammar is (and how much I edit it)! @CC_Jon


If you hover over or tap on the tiny avatars, the screen names appear but, I agree, useless. OTOH, in this update, you can see the entire list, not just the ten most recent.

I also don’t like that I’m able to “like” my own post just because I tapped on the heart or other emoticon in the wrong spot. Grrrr.

While I’m pretty sure you can’t like :heart: your own post, you can react to it with an emoji by tapping the smiley face. When I tap on the heart on my own posts, it doesn’t make the number go up, but shows the little list of avatars.

I agree with this.

Yeah, I don’t want to to be able to react to my own post. The post count will go up on my own posts if I accidentally tap on instead of hover over an emoji someone else put there. That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you want to react to your own comment?

That was also available in the old platform. Not saying it was right there either.

But if you click again, it removes your like.

Yeah, I discovered that, too. And then I wasted time backtracking to undo all my self-love. :rage:


I was never able to “like” my own posts on the old platform. Even if I clicked it accidentally I would get an error message, something to the effect, “This operation is not available to you.” That was on my laptop. I don’t recall ever trying to like stuff on my phone.