So, what do you think of the new board?

Just saying: there are times when the location reported will not be near where you accessed. I believe that depends on what the service provider reports. It could be a hub. I see that on Netflix often.
But Atlanta? Who knows?

I’m still supposedly in Arlington, VA. Google just told me I can get there in about 2 hours. I presume Google isn’t accounting for traffic.

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I wouldn’t worry too much about another location within a few hundred miles. @lookingforward is right - depending on your internet provider, traffic could be routed through different regional hubs. The site can only roughly determine location by IP address. The real alarm is when you see a location in another country. I’ve had that happen in Pandora, Netflix, and my Gmail account several times. Panic-inducing! :grimacing:

Edit: Tagging @4kids4us also since they asked the same question…

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@CC_Mike I wasn’t worried about it - I knew it was me, but saying I could see where it might make someone question the odd location.

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Still wondering about the long list of Musical Theater schools when there is already an MT forum under majors. Noone has ever answered.

I hope there is a fix for people reading posts prior to edits. That is concerning.

Otherwise I seem to be using the site normally again and usage seems up a little in general.


Fixed! Jon made that feature only available to mods and admins.

It is! Last year we had one day in Dec with 3k+ new posts. This year we already have 3 days of 3500+ posts!

(@CC_Jon will need to comment on the MT categories.)


Glad to hear of the increased usage!

I really am starting to like the new format, even if it still holds some mysteries :slight_smile:

Thankful for all the fixes.

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Honestly this is the way it’s been for years. The difference now is you can actually find all the forums now. If I understand the situation, musical theater departments have unique audition requirements and so the discussion fractured into school-specific discussions.

When we moved to the new platform, I didn’t mess with categories. But this might be a good time to revisit our organization. Perhaps the musical theater discussions should be collapsed into one category with tags for individual schools/programs. Or maybe it’s important to keep the schools separated. In either case, I want to talk with people who are active in the MT categories to make sure we are meeting their needs too.

I don’t especially care, but I was curious. Music and dance also have unique audition requirements, and I know the music forum has some threads that list schools. I would think the MT forum would be enough, but of course defer to those who know more about that area of study and performance. The long list of MT schools really stands out in the new format, I guess…

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I hope I’m not looking forward to months and months of having to close out a pop up that tells me which schools are releasing decisions today.


So what if that LONG list of colleges with musical theater majors has been around forever! No one is saying to completely remove it. What I’m seeing is folks like me asking that a category be created under musician theater major for “colleges with MT programs”. All the colleges would be listed there…and folks who want to see it could click there.

But the rest of us wouldn’t have to scroll past that ridiculously long list. I say ridiculously long because I don’t see a long list if colleges with music majors, or dance majors, or engineering, or any other major…except musical theater.

Sorry…but in my opinion this is the time to change the way this appears on your landing page. It just is.


Funny…I see “senior member” in Grey next to this poster’s screen name on this post…but I don’t see “senior member” next to my name or anyone else’s who I know are senior members. Why is that?

It stands out because no other major except MT has a long list like this on the landing page. Sorry…but I think this needs to change.

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If I click on your avatar I see “senior member” next to your screen name.

Yes…but this poster has “senior member” in grey near her screen name on this thread. No one else does.

And yes, I can see that member status on my own Profile or on anyone’s profile that is public.

You can pick a title for yourself in your preferences.

That’s good because it was kinda sounding like that’s exactly what people were saying.

As I said, we can reorganize, but I want to talk to the people who do use those forums first. In the meantime, I can move that list of schools down toward the bottom of the page since it is a rather long list and more specialized than most of the categories below it.

As for collapsing top level categories, that’s something we are considering. But it’s not as critical as other work such as restoring PMs and bookmarks.

Sorry, just testing. I know it has nothing to do with the thread.


@thumper1 A few weeks ago (probably when I was reviewing my privacy settings on the new site), I noticed I could click on ‘regular’ as a “title” since I had been on the board for years. It automatically changed to senior a few days ago, so not exactly sure how that happened.

I really prefer to see the number of posts next to a posters name, rather than a title. It usually indicates how active they are, giving some sense of longevity.

You are preaching to the choir…but at least “senior member” is next to your screen name. It’s not next to mine, and I’ve done in excess of 70,000 posts in 16 or so years. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: