So, what do you think of the new board?

So many of these last few concerns… TOO. MUCH. CLICKING.!!!

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I believe that’s always the case with the desktop version, but not the mobile version. Perhaps the issue is related to how much info can be displayed properly on a mobile device with a much smaller screen.

I know this doesn’t work on mobile and I apologize if you already said that’s what you’re using, but if you have a mouse, you can hover over the first “teeny circle” to see the first poster, and over the last one to see the most recent poster.

It seems like (at least on a desktop/laptop), most of the old functionality is still there, but you have to “hover” to see things that used to be already displayed, and “click” to see things that used to be available on a hover. Sometimes multiple clicks. I’m hoping they can tune things to make more info available more easily.

@O2BonCC there are a LOT of us who are using mobile devices of some sort…either a tablet or a phone. Hovering is not an option…at all. But on an iPad, you can tap on the avatars and the screen names will appear.

But really @CC_Jon those teeny teeny avatars are not recognizable. Plus some folks have just a letter…how would we know one “A” from another one?


Oh I completely agree, just pointing out the option for those who have it available and haven’t discovered it yet.

And - illustrating an issue others have pointed out - this was a reply to @thumper1 but it doesn’t show up that way. That indicator (on the top right, when a post is a reply to someone) seems to be hit or miss.

And - edited again to ask - are we just talking to ourselves here? I can’t figure out if there is an “official” thread for questions/issues concerning the new forum layout. Are the admins monitoring all of the various threads, or only if we tag them? @CC_Jon @CC_Mike @CC_Sorin

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@O2BonCC I think this is a great thread for members to help other members…but if there is something we just don’t know…flagging an admin is always ok.


Definitely tag us anytime you want anywhere you’d like a comment. We try to get around to all the questions, but invariably some fall through the cracks. I try not to answer too much over the weekend, but, as some of you may attest to, browsing CC is kind of addictive. :laughing:

The little reply icon and the link between replies and posts only appears if there is at least one post between yours and the one you’re replying to. Otherwise, it treats it as a post to the bottom of the thread. If that’s not the behavior you’re seeing, we can take a look to see if there’s a problem.

And a big THANK YOU for helping each other (and us) out! Engagement on the forums is back up to 2018 levels and that’s in large part to your dedication to learning how to use the new system!

Oh thanks that’s good to know. It wasn’t intuitive to me. So we should assume that any post is a reply to the one above it? Unless it isn’t? I’m still a little confused on how we’d tell the difference.

We can still use the ^ character. There’s been confusion lately, people using however many of these carats as they want. But the old style was one of them, to mean the post above you; two for two posts back, etc. It’s an option.

I am having a recent issue clicking on a link. Last couple of days.

I click, eg, on my avatar, see there are three new replies to this thread. I click and am sent to a full page ad. Same when I tried to check a PM. Or when I hit the bookmark icon. Trying again (and again) finally gets me where I want to be.

At first, I thought it might be me, but it’s not. There aren’t even any ad links in the avatar menu, so it’s not fat-fingering.

This time: android tablet, chrome.

That’s really strange - we don’t have any full page ads that run, especially for registered members. Anonymous visitors see more ads, but never one that takes over the whole screen. Could you post a screenshot next time it happens?

Many avatars I recognize even on a phone, including @thumper1. The bigger issue for me is that avatars have not been imported, so only users who upload a new avatar are recognizable; the generic letters really don’t help.

I still have a tough time with the reply function. I.E. how to get back to the post I was replying to.

again. testing. now I don’t see an up arrow that Mathmom showed me that directs you back to the post you’re replying to. Drives me nuts!!!

@DramaMama2021, trying this again.
Edit: nope. How do I get back to DramaMama2021’s post?

@CC_Jon @CC_Sorin

It seems reply to specific post is not working consistently.

ETA: This time it did work for me. I was replying to VaBluebird post #495 (I still have difficulty identifying post numbers). And clicking the arrow by VaBluebird’s name in upper right of this post shows the post I replied to. As expected.

Seeing if using the quote function is where it happens.
Edit: yes. it is. thwapping self on head. So, don’t use “reply”, highlight and use the quote function. Now, if this old brain can remember that!!

But it just shows you the post. I’m looking for that ^ that takes you back to where you were. I only see it using the quote function.
If I answer a post waaaaaaay back up thread, I want to be able to go back there after I’ve replied. Using just the reply button leaves you stranded at the bottom of the thread.

One you use the “swooping” arrow to open the post you should see an arrow pointing up… that takes you back to the post wherever it falls in the thread. See if that works for you. @VaBluebird

@DramaMama2021 and @CC_Jon : Where do you see post numbers? (as you pointed out #495)? I really wish it were listed WITH the post, but I don’t see it anywhere. Makes replying to a specific thought much easier, and as a reader, also easier to back-track and find.

I also have issues with the ‘reply’ options. I can open a reply directly under a post where it is most meaningful, but then it appears again further down the thread, which seems redundant and requires more time. BUT, if only shown under a post, I’d probably miss it, if it occurs earlier in a thread.

Which is why I prefer the post numbers, and references to it shown on the main page.