So, what do you think of the new board?

The only place I see post numbers is on the scroll bar. However, it is a bit tricky to determine which post it belongs to. Add to that that the scroll bar is no longer visible once I am on the last couple of posts because it ends before the end of a thread and ads show up below it. So for me to see that the last post in this thread is #501, I have to scroll back up to post 499/501. That is annoying. (tablet, desktop view… mobile is a bit different)

I am getting used to the “conversation groupings” of replies showing below a post and the ability to open a replied to post. Although the jumping around gets confusing, especially if you step away. But I don’t like not having a post number easily displayed on each post.

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You can also see the number in the URL in your browser search bar. So, for instance, your post is:
|    | |Domain                      | |Thread title                         |Thread#| ^ Reply number

It has the same problem as the scroll bar since you can’t always tell what number a post is. (It also requires people to know the anatomy of a URL, which is unnecessary.) But there are two easy ways to get the exact link:

  1. Click the post time:

    Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 12.26.28 PM

  2. Tap the “share link” icon:

    Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 12.27.29 PM

(The second way also shows the post number but I think using the link instead is a better choice.)

Once you have the link, you can add it right to your post:

Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 12.30.28 PM

Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 12.30.00 PM

Or just paste it in: So, what do you think of the new board? - #507 by DramaMama2021

The advantage of a link is that reader can just right to the place you are talking about without having to index on the reply number themselves.

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The reply system simplifies this, but I know it takes some getting used to and it doesn’t help for older posts before we had it. As a reader, I find references to “#507” in replies hard to understand. I figured it out after a few times seeing it, but a link works much better for people new to the forums.

Yes, totally agree with this. It is very frustrating. Edited to add…I used the Quote feature and it still put me at the bottom of the thread, forcing me to scroll back up to try and find where I left off reading. Fortunately not that many responses in between but on fast moving threads, it is enough to make me not bother responding.

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When I check the URL for the post number, @CC_Jon, it doesn’t match the post number in the blue box on the screen. The URL says 508, but the blue box says 503.

Oh. That’s odd. I bet the box is showing the count of posts that aren’t deleted. But I’ll see if I can verify that.

No one ( but actually multiple people) should have to work this hard to learn how to find/reply to a post.


Overall I like the new board and find it to be more user-friendly. I don’t love the unattractive emojis though. Is it possible to replace them with cute ones?


Woah… Sorry, WAY TOO COMPLICATED! (for me at least). Is it not possible to include the post number as well?

That is an option. We are using the Apple emoji set, but other sets are available. Is there a particular emoji that is particularly unattractive?

This seems like a good thing to run a poll on.

Good idea for an emoji poll! The Apple set is fine, but we used to have emojis that moved…for example, the laughing emoji was laughing (no sound)…those were fun!

Wait a minute…the emojis changed since I posted that reply! Someone is messing with my brain. I like the Apple ones and that’s what I was hoping for.An emoji poll could be fun! @Mwfan1921

This is an example right now. I thought it may be when the ad boxes from the lower right of the page seem to creep up to the space that would be occupied by the avatar menu. I don’t know.

I have bookmarked (in my browser) my bookmarks, using this URL:

Every time I click on my browser bookmark, I am led to a page that says “Oops, that page doesn’t exist or is private!” with two columns of suggested links. Then to my CC bookmarks (all made after the update). So what’s up with that?

@CC_Mike, another example. I was at the avatar menu, clicked Activity, and got a full page ad (see the avatar menu on the right.) The Best Buy ad was full page.

@CC_Jon @CC_Mike are you ever going to get that “none” vs “all” fixed when dealing with the forums. The default apparently is none…and when I switch to “all” it doesn’t stick!

This is a strange one. I’ve reported it to the developers. We can change the default back to “all”, but that’s not a great experience for some categories. We’ll let you know when we know more.

I don’t want the default to be “all” but I’d like to be able to select it if I want to!

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@lookingforward that is very odd - we don’t run full page ads on CC. Could there be a browser extension showing you ads? Do you know how to install another browser like Firefox or Chrome? If you don’t get the same ads in those browsers, then you’ll know it’s something installed on that particular browser. I’m trying to narrow down the cause since I can’t replicate the issue you’re seeing.

OK OK I ADMIT IT - I changed the emoji from Twitter to Apple. Sorry @CC_Jon, I won’t poke around in the settings any more! :flushed: